Middle NRD reports no violations

Friday, July 23, 2010

CURTIS, Nebraska -- Middle Republican Natural Resources District officials have inspected wells owned by an irrigator who bypassed water meters on wells in another district and found no violations, MRNRD officials said in a release today.

"As in the Upper Republican NRD case, some wells within our district were also dug up to be inspected," Middle Republican NRD manager Dan Smith said. The inspections found no violations.

"It has always been and will always be the policy of the MRNRD that all violators will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the powers that LB962 granted us," he said in the release.

"Violations have been and will be dealt with when they are found. However, most infractions in our District are minor or unintentional and are treated as such with a 'notice' to correct the infraction such as a broken meter. More often than not, irrigators contact our office first when they discover a problem with their flow meter.

"Our staff reads every flow meter every year and reviews any meter readings that are suspicious by checking energy records to see if they are correct. During our chemigation inspections each year we are able to observe meters again and ensure that they are functioning correctly.

"Our office has received many phone calls about possible violations in the District since the announcement of the violation in the URNRD. Staff have followed up on these calls and investigated appropriately."

According to the release, part of the district's authority to act on the violations in section 46-746 of the Nebraska statutes. These statutes are referred to as the Ground Water Management and Protection Act and are incorporated into the NRD's rules and regulations.

These regulations are available on the MRNRD website at www.mrnrd.org or by request by contacting the office at (800) 873-5613 (308) 367-4281

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  • What if the Middle inspected the Uppper, the Upper inspected the the Lower and the Lower inspected the Middle? Maybe this would keep everyone more honest. Glad the NRD is lowering their levy. They were one of the only governemental agencies to raise the levy in years.

    -- Posted by dennis on Mon, Jul 26, 2010, at 10:29 AM
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