Letter to the Editor

In response

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


In response to the Money, Politics and Fremont June 30, 2010 Opinion piece by Ed Howard:

The Gazette published the above article from the Statehouse Correspondent under "opinion." To me, the article reads like a propaganda piece designed to create apathy and discouragement from our citizens. Basically don't bother standing up for what you believe in or attempt to change what the government is doing against the will of its citizens, because if you do it will cost you, hurt your state and the powers are just too big for you to make a difference.

My hat is off to the town of Fremont's citizens for its long, hard fought, two year battle against the forces of hell. They had little newspaper/politician/financial support. They were fought against from every imaginable angle and the will of the people would not be broken. They stood up and were heard!

That is what it is all about! Don't be fooled by this type of apathetic propaganda, folks. We the people are tired of our representatives doing business as usual while they ignore us and treat us as irrelevant! Arrogant!

It is high past time for the people to rise up and be heard. In fact it is time for all 50 states to start declaring their sovereignty from our ROGUE Federal government and establish a new government under the U.S. constitution who derive their just powers from THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED!

As stated in our nation's Declaration of Independence, "when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariable the same object evidences a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is THEIR RIGHT, it is THEIR DUTY to THROW OFF such government, and to provide new guards for their future security!"

Failure to deal with Immigration enforcement/border control is a threat to our national/state security and sovereignty.

Free Markets

Limited Government

Fiscal responsibility

Tea Party Patriots S.W. Neb. Member


Jerie Quinty

McCook, Nebraska

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  • It is hard to believe that our liberal federal government will sue the citizens of Arizona instead of using those tax dollars to enforce our immigration laws. If our welfare system was not so liberal we would have US citizens of all races wanting jobs that the illegals now take. It is time to return to the county our founders sought!

    -- Posted by dennis on Wed, Jul 7, 2010, at 3:55 PM
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