County to consider cooperation on city building

Friday, May 7, 2010

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Red Willow County Commissioners will consider whether to pursue cooperation with the City of McCook on a new law enforcement facility at their regular meeting Monday.

While a joint law enforcement facility failed a test of the voters a few years ago, the city will soon ask voters to support a new fire hall, police station and administrative offices.

The commissioners are slated to consider the issue at 9:15 a.m. in the commissioners room at the courthouse.

Fifteen minutes later, the commissioner agenda includes a hearing on whether to sell or lease property at 524 Norris Ave. Some have speculated that the county purchased the property for a possible county jail, but commissioners won't confirm that idea. A date for bids on sale or lease of the property is on the agenda at 10:25 a.m.

Other items include a contract with the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services and county employee health insurance.

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  • What's the deal with the people of Red Willow County and not willing to support the operation of a full-time/full-service jail facility? I understand not wanting to spend any more than you have to, but seriously...the idea of a county jail is one of those "have to" kind of things. It isn't an issue of building some frivilous thing that would be a drain on the county's finances. If you have people, you will have crime; if you have crime, you need a place to house those that you arrest. Plain & simple.

    It would be interesting to see the numbers and know how much this county pays other counties to hold our prisoners beyond the maximum time that our jail can keep them, and compare that amount to the cost of building something here. I'd be willing to guess that when you factor in the savings, and add in the jobs it would create, the thought of this county building a jail may be a No-Brainer.

    -- Posted by Justin Case on Mon, May 10, 2010, at 5:13 PM
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