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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Bruce Crosby/McCook Daily Gazette

Werner Schwenzfeier, right, shares a 1950 Gazette newspaper clipping (below) with Cloyd Clark of McCook during the Garden Grove, California, man's first visit to McCook since he lived here in the early 1950s. Schwenzfeier's father, Otto, was a German prisoner of war who was sent to Southwest Nebraska after being captured in Africa in World War II. Sponsored by Myatt Volentine, of McCook, Schwenzfeier brought his family here in 1950 to work for the Volentine Motor Co. before moving on to California in 1953. The younger Schwenzfeier said he remembers riding his bicycle around McCook and enjoyed seeing many familiar sights during his two-day visit Monday and today. Werner attended the brand-new North Ward Elementary, now remodeled into McCook Elementary.

McCook Daily Gazette
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