Nelson spokesman: PBS show 'flawed and irresponsible'

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 13, 2010 -- Today, Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson's spokesman issued this statement in response to a "Frontline" program airing on Public Broadcasting Service stations today titled "Obama's Deal" about the year-long health reform effort that led to passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

"The program titled 'Obama's Deal' airing on PBS broadcasting stations presents a flawed and irresponsible portrayal of the Nebraska Medicaid provision in the Senate health bill," Nelson Spokesman Jake Thompson said. "No one associated with the program ever contacted Senator Nelson or his office requesting his explanation. This is an appalling disregard of the first rule of honest journalism -- to seek all sides of a story.

"Had anyone followed this basic journalistic duty, Senator Nelson would have provided documentation showing how he blew the whistle on a large unfunded federal mandate that would have socked states with a multi-billion dollar bill. He would have explained that he had asked Senate leaders for an opt-in provision for all states, so they could decide if they could afford its cost. With no Congressional Budget Office analysis available, he subsequently accepted Senate leaders' decision to insert the Nebraska provision in the Senate bill as a placeholder. He didn't ask for it, it did not win his vote, nor did he want help for only Nebraska. He always intended it as a placeholder to fight for eliminating the unfunded mandate, or providing federal funding for all states, in the final bill worked out with the House.

"The Public Broadcasting Service aired a one-sided program that buys into partisan talking points, instead of questioning those who played politics to try to kill health reform, and aired it on the same channels that carry ostensibly educational TV programming. Sure, we accept commercial networks pushing "entertainment" programming carrying slanted points of view. But PBS?"

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  • Of course we all know that PBS is a far right organization and would have to be doing a hatchet job on poor ole Ben. Relly stinks when the chickens come home to roost Ben. No comments from Ben abouit all the biased reporting from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the LA Timnes, NY Times and on and on.

    -- Posted by Chaco1 on Wed, Apr 14, 2010, at 8:48 AM
  • I would think that Nebraskans would love to have one of the most conservative and fiscally responsible Democratic Senators.. He is protecting the states budgets.. Crucify him and get a republican in there so your senator can just vote NO and get on the scare the American Bandwagon.. Of course with the still minority republican party, Nebraska's representation becomes simply a wasted NO vote, versus any one in a position to protect the state budget from a bill that was going to pass..

    -- Posted by mickhaney on Wed, Apr 14, 2010, at 11:24 PM
  • Ben had the opportunity to be fiscally responsible and instead sold his vote for the cornhusker kickback. he proved the adage that party trumps person in a national election and toed the party line when he had to.

    If he wanted to protct the states budgets he could have voted to stop this monstrosity not make deals. He can spin all he wants but come 2012 I doubt it will work.

    -- Posted by Chaco1 on Thu, Apr 15, 2010, at 11:51 AM
  • I would think that Nebraskans would love to have one of the most conservative and fiscally responsible Democratic Senators..

    Where does anyone see he is conservative and fiscally responsible????? He sold us down the drain on the Health Bill and everything he does. He is a good ole boy to the public and then goes behind the majorities backs....

    Sorry Ben

    -- Posted by overtaxed on Thu, Apr 15, 2010, at 7:11 PM
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