Nelson: $6.9 million in stimulus funding for nanoscience research at UNL

Friday, January 8, 2010

WASHINGTON -- Today, Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson welcomed an announcement by the U.S. Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology that the University of Nebraska -- Lincoln will receive a $6.9 million grant to help construct and update a research facility specializing in nanoscience metrology. The funds are part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

"These stimulus funds will not only jump start a major construction project, but are also an investment in the future of our state," said Senator Nelson. "The new research facility will keep UNL at the forefront of exciting new fields of scientific research."

According to the U.S. Commerce Department, the planned Nanoscience Metrology Facility (NMF) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will stimulate major new collaborative research by upgrading central facilities for nanofabrication, electron microscopy, and other synthesis and characterization laboratories. The $6.9 million federal grant will supplement the total project budget of $13.8 million.

The 32,000 square foot NMF will be a temperature-stabilized, low-vibration, low electromagnetic field building designed to achieve a minimum LEED certification of silver. The ground floor of the new facility will house a nanofabrication cleanroom and materials preparation facility, and the upper floor will house laboratories for nanofiber characterization, manufacturing metrology and nanophotonics. Also included in the project will be the construction of electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, X-ray materials characterization, mechanical characterization and crystallography labs.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln possesses one of the largest and most robust research programs in nanomagnetism and spintronics in the world. The construction of these facilities will enable the university to expand and improve its programs in these and other areas complementary to research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology including basic nanoscale science and the development of measurement techniques to support nanotechnologies.

The project is expected to be completed in summer, 2011.

The funds for UNL were part of $123 million in grants announced today by the U.S. Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology to support the construction of new scientific research facilities at 11 universities and one non-profit research organization. The funds for the 12 projects will help support more than $250 million in new laboratory construction.

In addition to satisfying the core objectives of the Recovery Act -- creating and saving jobs and investment in infrastructure that will provide long-term economic benefits -- the projects were chosen on the basis of the scientific and technical merit of the proposals, the need for federal funding, design quality and suitability for the intended purpose, and the strength of the project-management plan, according to the U.S. Commerce Department.

Senator Nelson played a key role in the passage of the $787 billion stimulus bill. He worked with a bipartisan group of nearly 20 Senators to better focus The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on tax cuts for the middle class and job creation for millions of Americans. Senator Nelson led the group through the initial bill line by line, dollar by dollar, to reduce spending and cut out $108 billion of inefficient or less-stimulative spending. The bipartisan group helped the improved bill win congressional approval. President Obama signed it into law February 17, 2009.

Senator Nelson is posting information about the release of stimulus finds on his website as it becomes available. Visit for more information.

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  • hmmmmmm, part of the health care bribe maybe.

    If only Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison, Ben Franklin, and John Adams could see what has become of the people's republic.

    It is nothing more than a shadow of what it was and was to be, thanks to crooked politicians, backdoor deals, and political payoffs.

    We the people hardly have the power to do anything but elect the next bunch of crooks they get up there for us to vote on.

    -- Posted by Justin76 on Fri, Jan 8, 2010, at 3:24 PM
  • *

    Great, we are soooo proud that Benedict Nelson delivers the pork along with bad health care bills and shames our state with Cornhusker Kickback bribes. Unfortunately, it is all deficit spending that our children and grandchildren will be paying the Chinese for and it hasn't helped the economy or unemployment. Where Are The Jobs?

    Nelson, is this another one of those "shovel ready" projects Obama and Biden talked about, or is this another bribe timed to fall into the 2010-2012 election cycle? Why is it that only a fraction of that rushed and desperately needed money that was needed to save us from the brink of disaster was spent in 2009? Interesting, how the majority of it will be spent in election years and not while our economy is tanking.

    -- Posted by NebraskaMark on Sat, Jan 9, 2010, at 6:25 PM
  • This stimulus funding is going to get us all into trouble. The government doesn't just give away anything without getting something in return. I don't disagree that the money was available, I just think it should be also used for the younger children in K through 12 grades. If we all know our schooling, that is the deciding part of lives for the kids. Good education, good kids. Poor education, well..... you know the story. I could say many varous things about how this should be used, but in the long run, it will come back to haunt us.

    -- Posted by edbru on Tue, Jan 12, 2010, at 6:59 AM
  • This should be more proof than we need to realize that with the right "real" conservative candidate, we could get Nelson out of politics and start rebuilding our great nation.

    The senate race in Mass. is all the inspiration we need to get us into gear to elect a real man, not a pimped out millionaire who just wants to pork the nation to death to deliver to his constituents and maintain his power!

    This is going to start happening all over the country if good people just start getting involved with the tea party movement.

    I encourage you all to read "The 5000 Year Leap." It's good reading and puts the founding fathers' vision into perspective. We have really taken our eye of the ball while chasing our piece of the pie!

    -- Posted by Justin76 on Wed, Jan 13, 2010, at 10:08 AM
  • Yep the huge stimulus slush fund is kicking in to get Democrats re-elected. What happend to Obamas promise of transparency and the bills being made public on line to be read before any votes? Oh well Ben got us some Obama money.

    -- Posted by Chaco1 on Thu, Jan 14, 2010, at 6:38 PM
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