New Year's baby is ready to turn over her crown

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
First Baby 2009 Chloe Marie Weber and big brother, Kellen, play together as Chloe waits to relinquish her crown to New Year's Baby 2010. (Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Daily Gazette)

Just about a year ago, Chloe Weber was content to sit on her big brother's lap, let him hold her and introduce her to visitors. Now, as the pretty little strawberry blond nears her first birthday, she's too busy to sit still very long, she wiggles when she's held and she makes her own introductions.

"Hi," Chloe says, repeatedly, smiling and waving a pudgy little hand at visitors. ' course, her other favorite words -- "baby" and "yeah" pop up about as often as "hi."

Chloe was the Gazette's first baby of 2009, and seems quite ready and content to pass on the "baby" title to the first newcomer in 2010.

Chloe Marie is the daughter of Krystal and Clayton Weber of McCook, and was declared the Gazette's New Year's Baby 2009 after her birth at 1:59 p.m., Jan. 4, 2009. Her big brother, Kellen, who will turn six on March 31, is still fascinated by the long-legged little girl who stole his heart a year ago. He shares his toys with her, and plays with her toys with her. He'll keep her, he says.

Chloe will pass along the New Year's Baby title to the first baby born after 12 a.m., Jan. 1, 2010. The new title-holder must be born within the Gazette's trade area (Dundy, Chase, Hayes, Hitchcock, Frontier, Red Willow and Furnas counties in Nebraska, and Cheyenne, Rawlins and Decatur counties in Kansas) to parents who live within the same area.

Hospitals no longer release any information regarding newborns, so parents must contact the Gazette with news of their baby's birth. The Gazette needs the baby's name; date and time (be very specific) of birth; doctor's name and hospital; and parents' names and contact numbers. The time of birth must be certified by the attending doctor. Contact the Gazette immediately following the baby's birth, or by 10:30 a.m., Monday, Jan. 4. If there is no New Year's Baby by press time Jan. 4, the contest will continue on a day-to-day basis. In the event of a tie -- imagine the odds! -- a winner will be drawn.

To report a New Year's Baby, call (308) 345-4500, visit with reporter / photographer Connie Discoe or leave a message at extension 113; fax the information to (308) 345-7882; or send an e-mail to: regionalnews@mccookgazette .com

The New Year's Baby will receive a package of gifts and prizes from MNB, Farrell's Pharmacy and Hallmark Store, Phones etc., Unique Boutique Gifts and Collectibles, USave Pharmacy and Medical Supply, Community Hospital of McCook, Pizza Hut/KFC/Taco Bell, ap images and Walmart of McCook, and Mark's Pharmacy and Tri Valley Health System of Cambridge. The Gazette will present the parents of the New Year's Baby with a one-year newspaper subscription.

All gifts must be collected within 90 days.

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