Letter to the Editor

Just do something

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dear Editor,

Whether we are conservatives, liberals, or any point in between, one thing is a certainty: the under-insured will cost Americans $100 billion this year alone. That's a trillion dollars a decade without even factoring in growth or inflation. The issue has degenerated from a political debate to this plain old mathematic problem -- to do nothing is to commit financial suicide, not for the next generation, but for this one! Urge your Representatives to do something ... anything! This time they actually have to earn their pay and legislate something that will start us out of this mess.

Al Dunworth,


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  • Thank you. For the Republican who are complaining, figure something out! For the Democrats who want to keep spending, find a compromise. The only one's that are making any money right now is the healthcare industry. Look around, it's evident everywhere. McCook adding on, Cambridge building new, etc. WHO'S PAYING FOR IT? We are.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Tue, Oct 6, 2009, at 1:05 PM
  • *

    Not to pick a fight but to just do "anything" is pretty irresponsible in light of what has so far been proposed for a healthcare solution. I personally do not want socialized government controlled health care.

    A good start would be for the Democrats to let the Republicans at least make proposals that are considered but so far the Democrats have completely shut out any Republican ideas without even giving them a chance in the committees. Senator Grassley has wanted to propose several alternatives, including an overhaul of the private insurance industry which needs to be made. However, his ideas fall on deaf Democratic ears. The Democratic strategy is to jam a plan down our throats and two days ago the Democrats rejected a bill along party lines to reject a Republican proposal to post the tentative bill(s) on the Internet for 3 days prior to any votes on the bills. Maybe our congressmen don't care to read the bills first but at least let the constituents read them. Why would such a proposal be rejected by the Democrats unless they really do not care what we think?

    So far the proposals on the table in Congress cost a lot more than $100 billion per year so what is the sense of passing that kind of legislation? It does absolutely nothing to solve the problem.

    Why do we kid ourselves as this is actually a re-distribution of wealth. Those that work hard to afford healthcare will have to pay for those that don't pay for their healthcare. No two ways about it.

    There are a lot of sensible ideas out there but one political party sees fit to keep them from being discussed. The last thing we need to do is rush into this only to find out in a few years that we really did something pretty stupid and that the costs are draining our economy into oblivion.

    We complain about increasing healthcare costs but we all jump at the chance to get better and usually more expensive medicines, better procedures etc that all cost more money. If we would be satisfied with the status quo as to treatment, I believe we would be amazed at the lowered healthcare costs. However, we all demand better solutions and there is no free lunch.

    Just to do "anything" now when the healthcare bill is not even scheduled to be implemented for another 4 years is totally foolish.

    -- Posted by ksfarmer on Thu, Oct 8, 2009, at 2:04 AM
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