Bison golf girls second at Holdrege

Monday, September 28, 2009
Courtesy Photo Bison girls golfers show off their second-place plaque won at the Holdrege Invitational include, from left, Megan Rokusek, Jacqui Hager, Taylor Hansen, Alex Trew, Shelby Allen and Kaylee Samway; back, Bison head coach Randy Ryser.

HOLDREGE -- McCook High School's girls came up a few strokes short Saturday in a battle for the team championship at the Holdrege Invitational golf meet.

Minden claimed the team title with a low 18-hole score of 392 strokes in the competition held at the Holdrege Country Club. The Bison girls and Grand Island Northwest tied for second, a single stroke behind Minden.

McCook was awarded second place by comparing McCook's and Northwest's fifth-place finishers. Taylor Hansen's 120 was one stroke better than her GINW counterpart.

The Bison girls placed two golfers in the top five individual standings. Shelby Allen finished third with a 90. Kaylee Samway was fifth with a 93.

"We had good, steady rounds by Shelby and Kaylee," McCook head coach Randy Ryser said.

Ryser said the creek on the Holdrege course again posed problems for the competitors Saturday.

"Once again the creek on the front nine at the Holdrege Country Club claimed some victims," Ryser said. "Very hard decisions whether to lay up or not, or what club to lay up with."


Saturday at Holdrege Country Club

Team Standings:

Grand Island Northwest393
Holdrege "B"506

Note: McCook won scorecard playoff for second place.

Top 15 Individual Medalists

1. Allie Exstrom, Minden 81
2. Amy Knapp, GINW 88
3. Shelby Allen, McCook 90
4. Morgan Kristensen, Minden 92
5. Kaylee Samway, McCook 93
6. Ashlyn Hoegn, Aurora 94
7. Taylor Thompson, Hastings 94
8. Abrea Hernandez, Lexington 95
9. Laura Gustafson, Holdrege 99
10. Sarah Phinney, GINW 99
11. Jenna Blazer, Hastings 99
12. Heather Anderson, Minden100
13. Rachel Leibhart, Lexington101
14. Megan Jenneman, GINW101
15. Emily Cox, Holdrege104


McCook Individual Scores

Shelby Allen 45-45 -- 90
Kaylee Samway 46-47 -- 93
Megan Rokusek 54-50 -- 104
Alex Trew 54-52 -- 104
Taylor Hansen 61-59 -- 120
Jacqui Hager 65-57 -- 122
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  • Way to go girls! Good luck in your upcoming meets!

    -- Posted by TrailMix on Tue, Sep 29, 2009, at 2:25 PM
    ! Report comment to editor
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