City to consider four condemnations, one appeal Monday
The McCook City Council will be asked to condemn four properties as unsafe and consider an appeal from the owner of one of the properties, at the regular meeting Monday, 7:30 p.m. at City Council Chambers at Memorial Auditorium.
Dottie D. Park is appealing the Aug. 13 decision of the McCook Board of Health concerning abandoned structures at her property at 305 E. 12. Other structures the Board of Health found unsafe or hazardous are 307 E. First, 508 E. Second and 1303 East B Street.
Monday's meeting will begin with the council formally accepting the resignation of Jack Rogers as city council member, declaration that a vacancy exists and begin the process to fill the seat until the general election in November 2010.
Also on the regular agenda, the council will be asked to approve awarding a four-year contract to Wells Fargo Insurance for insurance services for the city; hear a presentation on Republican River Resources issues and authorize city staff to contact a consultant hired by the Nebraska Department of Roads to oversee the Transportation Enhancement Program, to discuss options concerning the substantial increase in the cost of the sidewalk from West 11 to Wedgewood Drive.
The council also will be asked to approve, under suspension the three-reading rule, to amend city code to include check valves as a method of backflow prevention for lawn irrigation systems.
In addition, the council will be asked to strike the requirement in a current city ordinance that requires veterinarians to supply a rabies immunization certificate to the city. The city was contacted by a local veterinarian concerned with privacy issues and after reviewing city statutes, city staff agreed and removed the requirement.
The ordinance is up for second reading and still includes the revision that cats be immunized every three years instead of yearly.
On the consent agenda, the council will be asked to approve:
* the contract between the city and the State of Nebraska Department of Economic Development for the Community Development Block grant -- Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The city was awarded $629,700 to demolish six vacant structures in the city.
* a project amendment from with the Nebraska Game and Parks amendment to extend the completion time of the Phase II Kelley Park Walking trail, from Sept. 30 to Nov 16
* two resolutions that agree and implement the changes in the pay scale for the McCook City Firefighters/paramedics and lieutenants. Changes were due as a result of the 2009 Comparability Study. Under the resolution, firefighters / paramedics /lieutenants will receive 15 percent more under the current pay grid. New employees hired as firefighters/EMT-1 and EMT-2 will receive between 7.5 to 12.5 percent less
* set the property tax for 2009-10. The property tax levy remains the same at .319044 cents and the current city valuation will generate $940,669. The city's maximum levy is .45 cents.
* two applications for a special designated liquor license, one for the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce for a mixer on Oct. 14 and another for Justin J. Bilby, Rock N Horse Lounge, for the Farm and Ranch Expo at the Kiplinger Arena on Nov. 18 and 19.
* the request from McCook National Bank to close off the alley between Norris Avenue and West First for their annual Halloween Haunted Bank tour
* the request from the McCook Bison Alumni 2010 Reunion Committee close a section of Norris Avenue, on July 3 for a classic car show.