The true cost of free health care
Dear Editor,
In the immortal words of humorist P.J. O'Rourke, "If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free."
Comrade Obama and his merry band of socialists want to destroy the best healthcare system in the world because they want to control every phase of our lives, whether or not we can see a doctor, what type of treatment we receive, even whether or not we live or die. The elderly are the major target because that's where most of the health dollars are spent.
Instead of mandating rationed, Cuban-style medicine, our Dear Leader could cut the current cost of health care in half if he deported all the illegal aliens and took the trial lawyers out of the picture by banning lawsuits against hospitals and doctors, who then wouldn't have to practice defensive medicine by ordering all kinds of expensive tests.
Of course, that'll never happen because the shyster lawyers and their campaign money own the "unDemocratic" Party lock, stock and barrel.
The Scandinavian countries have decent "free" health care because they confiscate 70 percent of a worker's wages. If you agree with that system, I suggest you move there.
Whenever these foreign leaders get sick, they always come to the good old United States for their "inferior" treatment or have a team of American doctors flown in.
Thomas Kope,
Baldwin Park, Calif.