2009 MHS Homecoming royalty

Friday, August 28, 2009

Grant Strunk/McCook Daily Gazette

2009 McCook High School Homecoming Queen Jessie Armstrong, daughter of Michelle and Steve Armstrong and King Corey Paz, son of Denise Ourada and Paul Paz take center stage at Weiland Field Friday night after the Bison defeated the Sidney Red Raiders 42-7. Flanking the queen and king on the right are first attendants Natalie Sis, daughter of Marty and Denise Sis, Riley Haney, son of Rick and Cassa Haney. Second attendants on the left are Katie West, daughter of Dr. John and Cindy West and Austin Edwards, son of Rick and Lori Edwards. Results of McCook and area games will be in Monday's Gazette.

2009 MHS Homecoming Royalty from left, Austin Edwards, Katie West,King Corey Paz, Queen Jessie Armstrong, Natalie Sis and Riley Haney.
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