Term limited senator considers comeback

Friday, June 26, 2009

Former State Sen. Tom Baker of Trenton is making sounds like he'd like to reclaim his seat in the Nebraska Legislature.

But nothing is official yet and Baker said if he decides to run again, he'll make a formal announcement in fall.

Elected in 1998, Baker was term-limited out in 2006 and Sen. Mark Christensen was elected as Southwest Nebraska's 44th district senator.

According to an Omaha World Herald article, Baker said in an telephone interview that "many, many" of his former constituents have urged him to run again.

"It's not an ego thing for me," he said.

Baker continued that he's been disappointed in the irrigation-related legislation pushed by Sen. Christensen and feels LB 701 was not handled well.

Christensen was the original sponsor of LB 701, passed by the Nebraska Legislature in 2007, that contained an additional property tax levy that was recently ruled illegal by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

The $2.5 million of LB 701 property taxes collected by the natural resources districts in the Republican River Basin are still in limbo, with the NRD's hoping a district court judge will issue a declaratory statement as to how to refund them.

The occupation taxes on irrigated acres, also in LB 701, also are being challenged as unconstitutional and are pending a District Court decision.

But water is just one issue, Baker told the Gazette. There's been talk after the 2010 census to realign legislative districts because of population loss and Baker wants to be sure Southwest Nebraska doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

"Somebody with the experience ought to be down there to protect District 44," Baker said.

Sen. Christensen said in the article that he stands by LB 701 and has been organizing a re-election campaign based on his expectation that Baker will run.

"He evidently thinks I'm very beatable, but I'm ready for a challenge," Christensen said.

The constitutional amendment passed by voters in 2000 makes state lawmakers ineligible to serve for four years after serving two consecutive, four-year terms.

Next year will be the earliest that senators who were term limited in 2006 can run again.

Other senators pushed out by term limits are also considering running again, such as Pam Redfield who represented the Ralston and Millard areas for two terms.

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  • That's the best news I've heard since Christensen was elected! Go Baker!!

    -- Posted by chase on Fri, Jun 26, 2009, at 12:44 PM
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  • Tom will get my vote.


    -- Posted by Arkval on Fri, Jun 26, 2009, at 3:58 PM
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  • GREAT NEWS FOR DISTRICT 44!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tom Baker has common sense and would listen to others to get the job done the best way.

    His name and phone numbers were in the phone book and would always listen to others for the best for Dist. # 44

    He made a great statement and its very true.

    "We need somebody down there with EXPERIENCE,proctecting this Distict"

    He will do a great job and represent the people in the Dist.

    We have been going around circles long enough!!!

    The people in Lincoln and Dist. 44 Needs and wants Tom back.

    He will get the votes and be back in Lincoln soon.

    Congratulations TOM for your past great work and Glad to hear that you will be representing us again.

    -- Posted by Just a reader on Sat, Jun 27, 2009, at 8:55 AM
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  • All I have to say is Chris you are in trouble if Tom Baker does run, better get your resume ready but what would you put on it? Oh I know "I wanted to be a good rep. but I just wasn't smart enough." I am good at producing children. One of your long time supporters (Just a reader) has even seen enough.

    -- Posted by Oh what a wonderful day on Sat, Jun 27, 2009, at 2:40 PM
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  • Goodbye Mark, I think you probably tried hard and did your best but you just don't have the ability to do the job. Keep searching and one of these days you might find your niche, so far your resume doesn't show much success at anything. Tom Baker did a great job and I think most people in the district will welcome him back, this is one time term limits wasn't the best thing. Run Tom Run, your needed.

    -- Posted by salamat on Sun, Jun 28, 2009, at 11:15 AM
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