Commission to review hospital, Keystone projects

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Community Hospital of McCook wants to expand and will request a special exception to do so from the McCook Planning Commission, Monday night at 5:15 in City Council Chambers at Memorial Auditorium.

The commission also will be asked at this meeting to approve a redevelopment plan plus related actions for the purpose of developing the Keystone Hotel into a business center.

The original Community Hospital Building was constructed prior to zoning in McCook and is grandfathered in for hospital use. In order to keep up with current zoning laws, the special exception is needed for the expansion, which will allow medical uses in areas zoned residential.

The hospital plans to add 23,000 square feet as a one-story patient wing addition and 19,000 square feet as a surgery department, for a total of 42,000 square feet of new space. The main floor will include 25 private patient rooms and required support spaces.

As with all special exception requests, a public hearing will be conducted for testimony for or against the expansion.

Commission members will also be asked to review the redevelopment plan in the contract between the Community Development Agency (the McCook City Council) and the McCook Economic Development Corp. to determine if the Keystone renovation project conforms with the comprehensive plan for the city.

The Commission will then be asked to approve the city's redevelopment plan, including a development contract, that affirms the Keystone Hotel project is compatible with current zoning laws and land use.

The redevelopment contract also allows the use of tax increment financing as security for bonds.

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