Relay For Life activities set to begin
The American Cancer Society Relay For Life season has begun. Anyone interested in participating in or serving on the Relay For Life Planning Board for this year's Relay is encouraged to attend either of two meetings on Tuesday, May 5. These meetings will be for the planning board at 5:30 and for team captains at 6:30. Both meetings will be held at McCook Community College, Student Union, 1205 East 3rd Street.
Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society's national signature, overnight fundraising activity. Teams of eight to 15 members gather with tents and sleeping bags to participate in the largest fundraising walk in the nation. Relay For Life unites friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools and churches... people from all walks of life. Teams seek sponsorship prior to the Relay, all with the goal of supporting a cure for cancer.
"The American Cancer Society would like to encourage anyone interested in fighting back against cancer to be part of Relay For Life this year," commented Rebecca Nordquist, community manager for the American Cancer Society.
"Southwest Nebraska is looking forward to another great event in 2009 and we'd like to have as many community members as possible involved in this great event to be held on July 24th."
Teams are encouraged to sign up now for these events and may do so by calling the Rebecca Nordquist with the American Cancer Society at (308) 534-6902 or by logging on to For more information on any of the 54 Relays across Nebraska, please call (800) ACS-2345.
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service.