
Let the games begin

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It must be the latest craze. And in these times of economic hardship, if I could figure out a way to make a buck off it, I would. Or, maybe not.

The game is called "Deadly Denial," and there seems to be no limit to the number of players or the varieties of the game.

In fact, the more the merrier. Because in this game, all players are trapped in a deep pool of water, constantly fed from a cold stream. So, if the pool isn't full, or someone leaves the game, the water level increases, making everyone -- at the very least -- cold and uncomfortable. If enough leave, players are in real peril of death by drowning or hypothermia.

On the political spectrum, the game is in full swing. Change was the mantra of the candidates and it sounded great. Never mind that change in this case has ended up being MOTS (more of the same) to the power of 10. Change is change, by golly, and we're sure to come out ahead in the end. Or not.

The financial debacle continues, with new outrages every day, but once again, denial of our obvious bankruptcy is the name of this game. Comparisons to the Great Depression abound, good fodder for the nightly news, but hardly a realistic look at finances in the 21st century, partially because some of the programs implemented because of that financial disasters now represent the largest consumption of our limited resources, contributing to the latest disasters. I shudder to think what will happen when beneficiaries of these programs find the well has gone dry.

New freedoms in society are the hallmark of the day. The fetters of absolutes have finally, once and for all, been shattered and every man is the captain of his own ship, charting out a destiny that ends ... well, no one knows for sure where it ends, at least not anymore. America's birthrate in 2007 was the highest since record-keeping began. Wow. That shows a lot of confidence in the future, I think. Oh, wait, a full 40 percent of those births were to unwed mothers. (Enter the social programs earlier referenced.) Fathers apparently are only needed at conception, and there's certainly no reason to make an honest woman of her ... traditional marriage is optional. However, the homosexual marriage agenda continues apace and abortion, referred to in these writings as legalized murder, is still a legitimate birth control option. Oh, we're free all right. Freed from the very restraints that save us from ourselves and our penchant for self-destruction.

These variations of the game are troubling in and of themselves and combined, paint a bleak picture of the future of a once-great people in a once-great nation. But the most toxic form of "Deadly Denial," is in the spiritual realm.

Most Americans believe in God, be that as a Higher Power or as the Creator and sustainer of all things. What to call him (or her) is at odds however, depending on who you ask, and with increasing frequency, more and more people are accepting that there are many paths to him (or her). The current economic woes would be of little consequence to me personally if I had a nickel for every time I heard the phrase, "Well, if that's what works for you..."

Then there is the increasingly popular argument that because God is a loving God, there can be no hell, because a loving God couldn't or wouldn't consign someone he loves to that terrible fate. Second cousin to that is the notion that man is inherently good, given the right set of circumstances (i.e., a good education, secure home-life, adequate nutrition, etc., ) everyone can and in fact desires to be good enough to merit God's favor.

I hate to climb out of the pool here folks, I know the water is cold and gets deeper every time someone leaves, but these arguments and the myriad similar arguments shouted from the public square are invalid. God is God. He is Creator and sustainer of all things. He can be known and has revealed himself to created man since time out of mind. One thing God will not do is allow himself to be made in our image, and rather insists that we submit to him, to become visible reflections of him, as he intended.

God is love. He is also holy. And he is just. And though it grieves him greatly and he has done everything in his power to win, warn and woo us from sin, including providing a suitable atonement for our sin through his Son, if we resist and rebel, justice demands that we suffer the consequences.

These deadly games are just that. Deadly. To a nation. To a culture. To a world. To a man. To each man. And it's time for the people of God to climb out of the pools, take themselves out of the game, and turn around and reach down into the pool to help the next player out.

"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." 1 Corinthians 13:11 (NIV)

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  • Well said, Dawn, Well said.

    In Messiah, His Shalom, and alertness. Arley

    -- Posted by Navyblue on Wed, Mar 25, 2009, at 3:06 PM
  • How would you know? Have you ever seen heaven, god or hell? I doubt it.

    -- Posted by Oh what a wonderful day on Thu, Mar 26, 2009, at 12:21 PM
  • Mr/Ms. Day, you'd be surprised to see how many people believe that fish turned into frogs and monkeys became men, yet have never seen it. Ironically enough, they call that science, which, by its definition, is based on actually observing things.

    God can be seen, but you need to have the right glasses. The cool thing about God's glasses, however, is that one size fits all.

    -- Posted by bjo on Thu, Mar 26, 2009, at 5:01 PM
  • I found an interesting quote:

    "A talking snake made me do it.

    All Christian doctrine and theology can be boiled down to this absurd statement.

    In outline, Christianity claims a talking snake induced Adam and Eve to violate god's order, creating "original sin," which is passed by sex unto every generation, so that we all deserve endless torture at god's hands. We can be spared this horror ("Salvation") only by begging the Christian god in just the right way (or doing good deeds or by winning its sympathy or all of the above - Christian scripture is murky here). As proof of this, Jesus/god allowed himself to be crucified, so that he somehow is a substitute for us in damnation (or his blood is a sign of our salvation or his blood washes away our "sin" - another murky Christian idea).

    The talking-snake story is absurd, of course, which is why Christian theology is absurd: No talking snake, no original sin, no need for salvation, no need for Jesus. Yet this absurdity gets constant expression, not only in churches and Christian publications, but even in the mass media."

    Yes, this fairy tale makes perfect sense! I'm so glad the majority of leaders in this country are Christians and guided by the wonderful book The Bible. It's full of genocide, infanticide, rape, muder, sexism, racism, slavery and much, much more! It provides justification for sexism against women, slavery, heck just about anything one wants it to!It's great that people's civil rights have been and are still infringed upon based on it. The book of Leviticus states that homosexuals are an abomination to God! (Never mind what it has to say about shellfish, pork, polyester, and beards). United States scientific research on curing and treating terrible diseases and injuries is significantly behind other countries because the Christian Majority spins a story about 4 day old clusters of cells having 'souls'!

    One needs not look to logic or reason or try to find things out scientifically. Everything is "God's will"," God is testing us", "Everything happens for a reason! "One must have faith" "Our ancestor Eve ate a piece of fruit that God commanded her not to (the snake's fault, of course.) So God sent Jesus (who is God, but not really) down to earth to be our scapegoat and die for our sins. He rose from the dead on the third day! And everyone lived happily ever after as long as we worship God everyday, ask for forgiveness, accept Jesus as our savior, etc. etc.

    In all seriousness, how any sane, intelligent adult could believe things like this can be boiled down to childhood indoctrination. They are brainwashed at a very young, impressionable age. The same wonderful age where Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are accepted and make perfect sense. It is disheartening to know that these same innocent boys and girls are also being told stories of damnation and burning in hell for eternity and wonderful gems like:

    'Make ready to slaughter his sons for the guilt of their fathers; Lest they rise and posses the earth, and fill the breadth of the world with tyrants. ' (Isaiah 14:21 NAB)

    'Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children.' (Isaiah 13:15-18 NLT)

    'But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.'

    -Paul (I Tim 2:12)

    'Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.'

    -Psalm 137:9 (KJV)

    One can only hope that one day children will stop being brainwashed by violent, sexist religions based on books full of inconsistencies and ludicrous stories and can begin to try to make the world a peaceful, more humane place. No more crusades, holy wars, muslim terrorists, honor killings...using the simple rule/belief that has been around for ages in many different religions and belief systems.

    -"Do unto others what you would have others do unto you."- What a great world that would be!!

    -- Posted by CastleInTheAir on Fri, Mar 27, 2009, at 5:07 AM
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