Letter to the Editor

Insult to troops

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dear Editor,

Gallipoli, Verdun, Midway, Normandy, Bastogne, Pork Chop Hill, the Frozen Chosin, Khe Sahn, Hamburger Hill, Hue, Fallujah are all famous battles where American troops fought and died for their country.

Many of those who returned are forever scarred by what they have seen and done for their country. But not one of these troops went into combat worried about their insurance or how it might affect their rates. The U.S. had their backs and they just had to worry about their mission and staying alive.

Our new Commander in Chief wants our troops to pay for their own insurance! I urge all of the readers out there to contact your representatives and tell them this is an insult to our fighting men and women.

Tell them this asinine idea must not fly. And to our beloved "Commander in Chief" I say GO TO H###; many of the troops from the battles above have already been there!!

Ron Thompson


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  • Do you expect your employer to pay for your entire health insurance along with all of the other benefits you get? Don't you feel like you do a service to your country by working where you do, putting in your time, paying your taxes? So then why aren't you demanding 100% health insurance paid? I feel like it's an insult that we have to pay for our insurance along with someone elses. Why not let them participate with their health insurance -- WE DO. I feel that EVERYONE should have to participate and work together to rebuild this country.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Thu, Mar 19, 2009, at 1:13 PM
  • These heroes are already paying taxes on what little monies they earn. So, in actuality, they are paying their own salary and would also be paying for their insurance with their own money, too.

    You are not "on call" 24 hours a day, seven days a week, trying to sleep in a hollow in the sand or a cold rocky ledge or a sweltering jungle all the while wearing full combat gear weighing 80 pounds or so. You are not REQUIRED to go to a place where you don't know if the next person you see will open fire on you or push a button to blow you to smithereens and stay there for a year, then return home to hope you can stay with your family long enough for them to get to know you again before you have to go back and do it all over again.

    These men and women of the armed forces deserve each and every break they can get!

    I feel it's an insult that you can even think like that.

    -- Posted by devildocusn on Thu, Mar 19, 2009, at 3:21 PM
  • You choose your job and the consequences that come with it. I'm just saying, I wish everyone was treated equal. Why should I have to pay extra because I have a 9-5 job (that I chose) for someone who chose a life in the military? Don't get me wrong. I do care and am proud of the military men/women and for what they have and are doing. However, how many times do I have to pay for it? I know of several who have come back from Iraq and are no longer in the service yet, are still reaping the benefits of not paying for insurance. How long and how many times do I have to pay?

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Thu, Mar 19, 2009, at 3:46 PM
  • Guys, its already been reported that Obama has dropped the issue and it is not in consideration anymore. heres my source http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/03/18/obama-drops-controversia...

    -- Posted by npwinder on Thu, Mar 19, 2009, at 4:00 PM
  • After reading the link and outline of Obama's plan, Mr. Thompson was incorrect in stating that "Our new Commander in Chief wants our troops to pay for their own insurance". He was going to increase the amount of $ given to the VA by having the veterans pay for a PORTION of their insurance instead of getting it all paid 100% if they were injured during time of service. It's called budgeting. What's wrong with that? Those injured are receiving a paycheck for life already, why not have them pay just even a PORTION of their benefits. Like I mentioned, it'd be nice if EVERYONE pitched in to make America stronger again.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Thu, Mar 19, 2009, at 4:55 PM
  • RC, I quote Mark Twain:

    "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

    -- Posted by arrowhead on Thu, Mar 19, 2009, at 5:05 PM
  • Why can't I voice my opinion just like others? It's just that, my opinion. Whether you like it or not, that's why we live in America. Freedom of speech and thought. I don't have to like everything you say and neither do you. This is an open forum for all opinions. But you don't have the right to tell me to shut up and tell me I'm a fool.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Thu, Mar 19, 2009, at 7:44 PM
  • RC

    If the shoe fits...

    -- Posted by misty on Thu, Mar 19, 2009, at 8:21 PM
  • RC, you have the right to voice your opinion thanks to the VETERANS that you want to **** on.

    I would wager that you have contributed virtually nothing to build this country and will contribute virtually nothing in rebuilding it.

    You should walk up to every veteran, active duty, reserve, or guard member you see and thank them for their service.

    Better yet, visit a VA hospital and walk the halls. Tell the Vietnam veteran, a double amputee from a booby trap, or the Iraqi Freedom veteran with the traumatic brain injury, they should have to pay for their medical care.

    I'll make another wager: you won't do it, because you are a coward.

    -- Posted by arrowhead on Thu, Mar 19, 2009, at 9:22 PM
  • Some America we live in for people not to be able to voice their own opinion and openly discuss it without getting badgered...who's the adult here?. Sorry it's upset so many people but I'm not the only one that feels this way. We ALL have to come together and stop being so separated in our lives to rebuild a strong America. I will never give up on my freedom and neither should you. We just may do it differently but we need to do it together and without hatred!

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Fri, Mar 20, 2009, at 8:02 AM
  • Ron, as a fellow veteran and friend I'm with you 100 percent. Our new commander and chief can go to hell. I know the issue is dead, but the thought of even suggesting this is scary as hell! RC, all I can say is you can join him there. Like Obama, you have never served for a greater cause then yourself. You should be ashamed.

    -- Posted by remington81 on Fri, Mar 20, 2009, at 9:20 AM
  • Since only one respondent was brave enough to list their source for this bit, and it turns out to be the network that sued in court for their right to lie http://www.netfeed.com/~jhill/RupertMurdoch.htm I'm going to take all the other responses here especially those from noted residents of lower south wingnutistan in that light. This from a combat veteran of a previous military misadventure. 2d Bn., 12th Inf. Reg., 25th Inf. Div., RVN 1965-1966 Cpl. (E-4) MOS 11B30.And any of you wingnuts who don't like it weren't there and can go to Five Deferments Cheney's home, or to see oxyrush's proctologist.

    -- Posted by davis_x_machina on Fri, Mar 20, 2009, at 1:05 PM
  • Funny guy. You missed your medication.

    -- Posted by arrowhead on Fri, Mar 20, 2009, at 3:03 PM
  • Good Morning to all from Okinawa,

    Here is the full scoop on where this stoy came from by the American Legion:


    For RC here is a list of benefits provided to all the different types of veterans:


    As to anyone that doesn't understand why some people will do 20 years of military service; it is the benefits promised to us. Lifetime medical care for myself and my spouse, and Education benefits. If you begin to whittle these benefits down it will mean that you probably won't have as many of us staying for the full 20 years and then you will need to fill that hole. How about compulsory service(Mandatory if you don't go to college) of 2 years. Israel has this plan for every man and woman. The other option is reinstating the draft. No one wants that option placed back on the table.

    RC I respect your right to your opinion. This is a obilgation that the goverment has to every one of us that has served. This is in our contract that all sign when they enter into the service. Many benefits have been taken away already retroactively after time served. This is a hot topic and we will see it again, so watch the news.

    DevildocUSN, who did you serve with?

    Very Respectfully

    HM1(FMF)Tyler Hayes

    MAG-36 Medical SEL

    MCAS Futenma

    Okinawa, Japan

    -- Posted by DocBonesaw on Fri, Mar 20, 2009, at 6:32 PM
  • There's alot of flag wavers out there that will say one thing for the good and on the other side, say the worst things ever imagined. Not true Americans to say the least. Being in the military changes a person in many ways. If it doesn't, then get out of this country! The government wanted a job done by people who believe in the American Flag. Not some wanabees who think they are Americans.

    The insurance needs to be there.... and always be there for Veterans. God bless America...and to hell with anyone who thinks different. Even our Commander in Chief should see what is imprinted on a Veteran's mind after a tour of duty. It's a shame he hasn't seen a war....or tour of duty....or in the least, death of friends. Men who you consider brothers that will stand by your side and fight.

    These men need to be taken care of for the rest of their life. And not have to worry about payingt for it. They paid for it in the war.

    -- Posted by edbru on Mon, Mar 23, 2009, at 6:11 PM
  • Mr. Thompson like a lot of others don't read the real comment or article and just pick out words others have said. Mr. Obama didn't say this at all. I spent my 30 years in the service because I loved it, received good pay, 30 days paid vacation each year and unlimited sick leave if I needed it. I also got to travel around the world for free and met people that became my lifetime buddies. Oh I forgot to mention the great retirement check the schooling and education that prepared me for a civilian job, this was all free too. Yeah I have to pay for my life insurance and some medical but it beats the alternative. Tired of a lot of people asking what the government can do for them. Stand up and take responsibility.

    -- Posted by Oh what a wonderful day on Sat, Mar 28, 2009, at 6:54 PM
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