Hospital pledges $100,000 to events center

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Dr. Michael Chipps, right, President of the Mid Plains Community College area, thanks Jim Ulrich, Community Hospital President and CEO for the hospital's $100,000 pledge to the McCook Community College Events Center capital campaign. Also representing Community Hospital, from left, are Jan Fidler, R.N., Vice President Patient Care Services, Karen Kliment, Vice President Ancillary Services, Troy Bruntz, Vice President Finance & CFO, and Board of Directors Chairman, Patsy Houghton. Those representing the McCook College Foundation, continuing on right, include Ken Foster, Treasurer, Dr. Richard Tubbs, Vice President of McCook Community College, Stephanie Gunter, Director of Administration, Terri Burchell, Area Director Institutional Advancement for Mid-Plains Community College, Norma Stevens, Vice President, and and Elizabeth Benjamin, Honorary Co-Chair of the McCook Community College Events Center Campaign. (Courtesy photo)

Community Hospital administration and Board of Directors have announced their support of the new McCook Community College Events Center by pledging $100,000 to the project. In return, the hospital will have the honor of naming one of the rooms the Community Hospital Cardiovascular Room.

"This Events Center project can provide a great economic development boost to the city of McCook as well as benefit the entire region," said Jim Ulrich, Community Hospital President and CEO. "We are also pleased that in supporting this project with our financial pledge, we are making a statement about the importance of promoting health and wellness through athletic activities and the opportunity for curriculum development in the areas of athletic training and sports medicine for MCC.

"It is with pleasure that those of us associated with Community Hospital support our local college through this project," he went on to say. "We recognize the tremendous value to education that McCook Community College brings to our community and to our area."

The 52,993-square-foot McCook Community College Events Center is estimated to cost $10 million and includes a $500,000 endowment. It will include a competition gymnasium with retractable seating for 1,500 to 2,000 spectators, an auxiliary practice gym for MCC's six intercollegiate sports programs, four lower level locker rooms including restrooms, showers, laundry, and storage, main floor cardiovascular, aerobics and weight training areas for students and faculty, concession, seven offices and one conference room.

Constructing the Events Center creates a multi-functional space that will support community sports activities and programs, including local and regional tournaments, business and industry conferences and training, concerts and cultural symposiums. The expanded space will also allow curriculum development opportunities for athletic training, sports medicine and special events planning.

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  • They pledge that for the events center?? Hmmm??? Looks like the cost is going up at the hospital and clinic again.

    -- Posted by edbru on Wed, Jan 14, 2009, at 9:42 PM
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