Letter to the Editor

What to do while you're laid off

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dear Editor,

Recently, thousands if not millions of American workers have been laid off.

(How they ever came up with that term, I've never heard).

So what are they (the laid off) going to do with their free time?

The possibilities are:

I. Read and memorize the holy Bible (King James version only).

II. Run for election to the school board, City Council or Congress.

III. Volunteer to help take down the Christmas decorations, or put them up again next year.

IV. Help President Bush move out of the White House and / or help President Obama move in.

V. Hang around the liquor store and wait till it opens at 8 a.m. and you've had the insomnia since 1 a.m.

VI. Go down to the dog pound and pick out a cat. (We don't need more barking dogs.)

VII. Pick up a magazine at the local porn shop and gaze at it till ...

VII. Sell apples, pencils and newspapers on the street corner.

Steve Stramel,


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  • I like the idea of reading the entire King James version. Today's paper said that more and more Americans are reading fiction anyway.

    -- Posted by LC on Mon, Jan 12, 2009, at 9:09 AM
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