McCook girl is first baby of year 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Gazette's "New Year's Baby 2009" is a little girl named Chloe Marie, the new daughter of Krystal and Clayton Weber of McCook, born Jan. 4 at Community Hospital of McCook.

Chloe takes the "New Year's Baby" crown from Blake Alan Hagan, born Jan. 1, 2008, to (Ashley) Dawn and Bruce Hagan Jr. of Culbertson. Chloe will be featured in a news story in Tuesday's Gazette.

As the first baby born in the Gazette coverage area to parents who live in the same area, Chloe wins a package of prizes from McCook businesses: a package of goodies, products and services from Unique Boutique, Community Hospital, Farrell's Hallmark Shop, Phones Etc., Runza, Pizza Hut/KFC/Taco Bell and McCook National Bank of McCook; Tranquil Valley Spa/Tri Valley Health System and Mark's Pharmacy of Cambridge; and Lord's of Indianola.

The McCook Gazette will award the baby's parents a one-year subscription to the Daily Gazette.

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