South Dakota boys in foster care following alleged abduction

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thanks to a coordinated effort among area law enforcement, an attempted abduction of two children was halted Monday.

The McCook Police Department received a call about 1:45 p.m. from a staff member at a local church concerning a woman asking for money, according to McCook Police Chief Ike Brown. The woman, described as a heavy-set blond in her mid-30s driving a blue Trailblazer with no plates, was told that Salvation Army travel and lodging vouchers were available from the McCook Police Department. But the woman, later identified as Katrina Seay, 25, of Lead, S.D., allegedly said that she didn't want the police involved as what she was doing would make "national news in a few days."

Two children were also noticed in the vehicle but the woman refused to bring them in, the police report said.

After she left, the church staff member contacted the McCook Police Department about the woman's suspicious behavior and dispatchers notified area law enforcement, including Red Willow County Sheriff's office, the Nebraska State Patrol and other agencies in northwest Kansas.

According to Oberlin Police Chief Wade Lockhart, at about 4:16 p.m., law enforcement in Oberlin, Kan.. conducted a traffic stop on a woman driving a blue Trailbazer with two small children inside.

She refused to tell the officer where she was going but did say she was running from a domestic situation from the children's father.

After investigation, Oberlin police found that the children, two boys aged 21⁄2 and 14 months, were taken from Lead, S.D., where they had been in custody of the state. The children were placed in temporary foster care in Decatur County until they could be returned to South Dakota, Lockhart said.

McCook Police Chief Ike Brown commended the McCook Police Department dispatchers for their part in coordinating law enforcement agencies.

"Getting the information and giving it to all agencies quickly and accurately is something we do every day, but the dispatchers really shone this time," he said. "Most importantly, the children were located safely."

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  • Nice that she got to Kansas before being stopped.

    -- Posted by plainsman on Wed, Dec 31, 2008, at 3:55 PM
  • Very cool...she only made 28 miles before alert police stopped her! Congrats to the Oberlin Police!

    -- Posted by MrsSmith on Thu, Jan 1, 2009, at 7:24 AM
  • Katrina Seay is my daughter and these two boys are my grandchildren. I was very mad at the method in which Katrina and children were handled. This was not good police work. They took two boys out of the care of their mother, when the boys were not even out of her custody. She did not kidnap the boys. She was on th ephone to the Welfare at different times while she was on the road.

    And , she was on the road for Christmas visit with her Aunt in MO. and was on her way back home to me, in Lead, SD. She is single and can take any road she choice. She happened to be in need of road assistance and went for help. In her stress, she needed folks that would de-stress her so she could be a good Mom to her boys. As it was, the (helpers ) stressed her more.

    She was on the phone to me most of the time between each town and between each of these incidences.

    I would love to be interviewed about the whole thing. The boys have now been adopted out with out good cause. The one, and only one incident that happened should be on a DVD tape from

    Target in Rapid City, where someone said "child abuse". That tape was lost or misplaced by the welfare child care. So the boys, Koen and Aiden, were taken away from Katrina with out evidence of any fawl play.

    Any parents or Grandparents that have experienced the same thing ( and I have read of many of them on the net) , Let's get together and fix out Child Care Political issues. I am willing to sleep on the steps of The White House if I must.

    No children should be taken away from fit parents, when other children who are neglected, and abused, and there is proof of it, are left with their parents.

    I am one mad Grandma.

    Faith Goehring

    -- Posted by grandmasecurity on Sun, Dec 9, 2012, at 6:31 PM
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