Scrooge challenge
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Last year's Scrooge Challenge continued to grow during 2008 and a gift this week from KRD Credit Union helped the challenge to surpass the $150,000 mark. Manager Jean Hester, center, presented a check to McCook Community Foundation Board members Scrooge (Don Harpst) and Kathy Latta. "Our board appreciates the Foundation's work and chose to contribute because it goes back to the entire community," said Hester. Scrooge can be seen live at the Fox Theater tonight, Friday, and Saturday in McCook Community College's presentation of "A Christmas Carol." (Shary Skiles/McCook Daily Gazette)
Last year's Scrooge Challenge continued to grow during 2008 and a gift this week from KRD Credit Union helped the challenge to surpass the $150,000 mark. Manager Jean Hester, center, presented a check to McCook Community Foundation Board members Scrooge (Don Harpst) and Kathy Latta. "Our board appreciates the Foundation's work and chose to contribute because it goes back to the entire community," said Hester. Scrooge can be seen live at the Fox Theater tonight, Friday, and Saturday in McCook Community College's presentation of "A Christmas Carol."