Letter to the Editor

Right on first five

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dear Editor,

A few of my liberal friends asked me to respond to Dick Trail's article of last week, spreading the fear factor.

I find that Mike Hendricks was right on the first five of his tests.

On No. 1, George W. Bush lied America into war with the WMDs fairy tale.

No. 2, tens of thousands of Iraqis and more than 4,000 Americans have been killed in order to line the pockets of Dick Cheney's friends.

No. 3, the Constitution has been trampled on.

No. 4, America has become a torturing country.

And, No. 5, America's poor have become far more numerous and far more downtrodden.

My liberal friends and I know the first five are true, as do most of the country, except the neocons, the 23 percent who still think George W. is human, and a good guy, and knows what is going on in this country.

The last five are Mike's opinions. Of course, Trail knows that they are all false, as he knows everything.

If you don't believe that, just ask him. He is using the old neocon fear factor to scare us all to death if Obama wins the election, which he did.

Since you are so terrified to live in the new USA, Dick, my friends and I want to know, when are you leaving?

Bob Thayer,


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  • Thankyou Mr Thayer for calling this kettle black(no pun intended)!!!!. And Mr Trail I am more than willing to pitch in for a so long gift!!!! When will you be moving on to greener (sorry...whiter) pastures?????


    -- Posted by kaygee on Thu, Nov 6, 2008, at 3:36 PM
  • The rooster that crows before the eggs hatch, crows to a deaf crowd.

    Senator Obama has won election to the most demanding, and powerful, job in this country, and the world, at least for a while yet. I, a conservative, wish him my best, and will do what I am able to insure that the Constitution of this fine country continues to shine for the world.

    Sadly, to some degree, the free speech part, second amendment, allows even fools to crow, like a dumb rooster. Note the base article, for proof. What is there are empty, biased innuendo, crowing before the sun shines. Thank you Bob.

    You, and those of your apparent ilk, have a right, under the Constitution to crow. There is also an old saying, used in Nebraska, that the chickens will come in to roost, after a day in the sun. Please do not crow too loudly, as the chickens that come home, may yet taste a lot like crow.

    We will now spend the next four years under the leadership of a man, composed, in my opinion, of dubious character, and plans for his role as President. I, like Mr. Trail I presume, pray that I am wrong about what I see, and do not see, in Mr. Obama.

    You seem to be looking for great things as fact, and I am praying for great things possible, but doubtful. We seem to have a slight difference of his ability, but the same goal.

    If you all, of Liberal ilk, are correct in your opinion. I, and I am sure Dick also, will offer up an apology once the pudding is proved. Should you be proved wrong, please reciprocate with your apology, again, once the pudding is proved. This country may not survive, if you are wrong however.

    Enough said. If you, or anyone else, feels the desire to crow, before the sun has had a chance to shine, or eclipse, feel free.

    In service to Messiah, Emmanuel, and our country. Arley Steinhour

    -- Posted by Navyblue on Thu, Nov 6, 2008, at 5:18 PM
  • On No. 1, George W. Bush lied America into war with the WMDs fairy tale.

    If you are a Kurd in northern Iraq you lost friends and family to Saddam "USING" WMD.

    No. 2, tens of thousands of Iraqis and more than 4,000 Americans have been killed in order to line the pockets of Dick Cheney's friends.

    American's paid to do a dangerous difficult job how awful.

    No. 3, the Constitution has been trampled on

    Liberals are ok with Constitution trampling if it fits thier liberal agenda

    No. 4, America has become a torturing country.

    Geneva convention applies mostly to armed and uniformed combatants not sneaking murderous thugs beheading civiians and blowing up children in cafe's.

    -- Posted by boonesc on Thu, Nov 6, 2008, at 8:16 PM
  • There are none so blind, as those who refuse to see.. There are none so deaf, as those who refuse to hear..

    Problem is, too many on either side, do not want to look at both sides of the coin..

    There have been huge mistakes made, both parties had a hand in it, and unless one accepts that they were mistakes, and learns from them, they are apt to be made again..

    I was not happy with either candidate for president this time.. and I wasn't happy the last 3 times either..

    What our country needs is not the blame card, it needs the, lets all support, a make it a strong, fix the problems card.. Regardless of your party lines..

    -- Posted by i am moi on Fri, Nov 7, 2008, at 7:22 AM
  • Hey boonesc, W did lie about the WMD's, there is not doubt that Sadam had used them in the past, but the lies were fairy tales, if W had let the inspectors do their job, instead of rushing into war, numbers 2 & 4 would be moot points. If you say W did not rush into war, consider this, he had to start the war, when he did,you do not invade a place like Iraq in July.......

    I really do like the tone of your answer boonesc towards the deaths from this war, HOW AWFUL!!??? Evidently you do not have any family members in the military or ever been in the military, you should be thanking your **** lucky stars there are people in this great country that lay down their lives daily so you can make such a cavalier attitude towards the deaths of our great servicemen and women. Yes they are paid, but not near enough for what they do, and the hardships they and their families go through.IF you have been in the military, how awful, I can't think you would have been much of a soldier! You sound like the blowhards Rush and Hanity, so called conservatives that like to pound the war drums and talk big, but never served a day in the military.

    In case you are about to label me a liberal, forget it, I am a conservative independent that just can't stand the blow hard conservatives or the far left liberals. This country needs some real bipartisanship from the leaders of both parties. And to really get you conservative's shorts in a bunch, good ol' W is very lucky that the dems didn't have enough votes to impeach him, Cheney and put the crook Rove in jail.

    -- Posted by goarmy67 on Sun, Nov 9, 2008, at 2:54 PM
  • Hey there, 'you've got to be kidding,'

    I think you may have misread 'Boonesc's' post. Perhaps I misread, but I believe the post was a retort to the main message, not a condemnation of our military.

    -- Posted by Navyblue on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 4:38 PM
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