Stolen signs
Dear Editor,
We are nearing (thankfully) the end of another campaign season. While many of us get tired of the "bashing" and "mud slinging" that so often fills the national campaigns, we are generally fortunate to have candidates for our local elections who run much classier campaigns. Unfortunately, there are times when voters try to spoil the constructive competition of the local elections. This is one of those times in McCook.
Late last week, approximately 80 percent of the campaign signs posted by the supporters of [one candidate] were stolen. Often times, when something like this happens, we all-knowing adults take the easy way out and simply blame those dang kids with nothing better to do. I don't think that is the case in this instance. The sign-swiping was too specific for youthful hi jinx.
I encourage people to get involved in local politics and elections if you feel strongly about the issues and offices. But, do it openly and honestly. And be accountable for your words and actions. Stealing and vandalizing are not acceptable campaign ploys in any community.
Get out and support your candidates by going to the polls on Election Day.
Doug Ohlson