Letter to the Editor

Saving liquid gold

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dear Editor,

Yes, I know I preach too much, but it has rained here for a couple of days now in McCook, thank God.

But did you let the liquid gold flow down the street?

Not one of you would see a dollar bill on the street and not stop and snag it. The old saying, "when it rains it pours," means you had better dang well use every bucket you have to save it for the dry times which will come.

Rain is wealth, not only to you, but to the community and state.

Every drop you can collect and use saves groundwater for future generations, as well as keeping cash in your pocket.

One inch of rain off your roof means well over 1,000 gallons of fresh clean water for garden and lawn as well as other uses.

Fall is a great time to plant, be it winter wheat along with many bulbs plants.

As for wealthy, let the rich man play the stock market, the poor man can't risk gambling and rain is a sure thing to save and use and profit from:

"Mr. Bill" Donze,


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