Sad day for America
Dear Editor,
Today marks a sad chapter in American financial and intellectual history. As our President Bush and Secretary of the Treasury Paulson moved to apply $250 billion into government stock ownership, they were indeed passing out juicy taxpayer candy at the taxpayers' expense; hopefully we will make a profit.
However, what is not emphasized, is that the banks have accepted the public capital without any demand to transparently write down the value of bad assets, sour loans and imploded investments. This means that once again what we see is not what we get.
It's kind of like the liberal universalist belief that there is a heaven but no hell. There are wonderful rewards but no real punishment. As Plato's invisible man, our major bankers appear to receive assets, gravy capital is handed out and then they disappear when they are called to account for their big balance-sheet failures.
We are now officially no longer a superpower. Financially, we are creating loans and equity schemes to cover lies, liars and failures of epic proportions. We have voter registration fraud (ACORN) that is certainly enough to make the difference in a close elections in perhaps 12 states or more. We have a media that basically favors one party so much more than the other, that it is hardly fair for the average person to obtain pertinent information.
Feminism and womanhood has been distorted to mean being for reproductive freedom, which translates into barbaric partial-birth abortions and abortions. Our nation is no longer an example to other nations.
How is America's media biased, voter fraud influenced elections, barbaric abortions, homosexual marriages and debt-ridden financial existentialism going to serve as a guiding light to direction to other nations?
Oh, by the way, Google or Yahoo search Herb Moses and you will find that he is Barney Frank's male lover who is an executive at Fannie Mae. [Moses left Fannie Mae in 1998 -- ed.] Anybody wonder why Barney wanted to save his fanny so bad with a $700 billion package and a government rescue of Fredie and Fannie? Perhaps there was a fannie involved, a male fanny.
I will say one thing. The Democrats Frank, Pelosi and Schumer have been, and are being, consistent Democrats; they are existentialists to the hilt. They were the ones, along with Bill Clinton, who championed subprime loans.
Before you dispute this, please read the New York Times article dated Sept. 30, 1999 "Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending."
It would require the disruption tactics of James Carville and Paul Begula to distort the pro-Democratic New York Times article into a vast clairvoyant right-wing conspiracy. Especially when it was written eight years prior to the sub-prime blowup.
John McCain's biggest opportunity to soundly disagree with both Bush and Obama was sacrificed when he sided with the $700 billion bailout.
Praying For America!
Allan C. Jackson II