Search for superintendent could wait

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

If the existing McCook Public Schools board of education wants to select the district's new superintendent, the process can be completed before Dec. 31.

If the existing board wants to pass that honor on to the next board, after it is seated in January, it can do that, too.

The message that the board is in control of the search for and selection of a new superintendent was conveyed by Marcia Herring of Lincoln, director of superintendent searches for the Nebraska Association of School Boards, during a special information-only board meeting Monday evening.

The board is looking for a permanent replacement for Superintendent Dave Schley, who was hired two years ago as an interim and then was offered and accepted a second one-year contract. His contract ends June 30, 2009.

Herring told board members there has been continuing interest in McCook's superintendency since the time it was listed as an "interim" basis two years ago on the NASB superintendent search Web site.

"It's early in the (search) process," Herring told board members Monday. McCook hired an interim superintendent two years ago because Superintendent Dr. Don Marchant resigned late in the school year, on May 8, 2007, after new superintendents had been hired. The board offered Schley a second year because it was pleased with his people skills and ability to help the district heal after a couple years of upheaval and dissent throughout the district.

Advertising for the permanent superintendent's position will last no shorter than 30 days, and will be nationwide on the NASB Web site. Herring also strongly recommended advertising in the Omaha World Herald.

Applications for the position will be accepted through the NASB's newly-expanded Web site, Herring said.

After applications close, she said, she requires two weeks to complete screening of every person who applies. Herring said her committee contacts references, existing board members, past board members, administrative peers, building administrators, administrative assistants, guidance counselors, teaching staff, parents and business leaders.

Herring said she will conduct a "district needs assessment" with the board, school staff and members of the community, asking each to:

* Identify the strengths of McCook schools and the community.

* Identify issues that may impact the schools within the next 5-10 years.

* Identify personal and professional attributes necessary to be successful as McCook's superintendent.

Herring did not recommend narrowing the group of candidates by making requirements such having superintendent experience or a doctorate.

The board will receive a confidential list of every candidate and his/her screening results, Herring said. She will not present a "short list" or a list of "top" applicants, she said. The board determines the "short list" of applicants to be interviewed. she said, after which the NASB search service requests a criminal background search, credit report and a child abuse search for each finalist.

The names of final candidates will be released to the public, Herring said, and interviews will be conducted in open session. Immediately following interviews, the board will go into closed session to discuss candidates, compensation and contractual matters, she said.

In-house candidates are treated the same as candidates from outside the McCook district, Herring said.

The search process includes facilitation of a complete compensation package, a review and assessment of the superintendent's contract and, following selection of the new superintendent, facilitation of a goal-setting and team planning session with the board and new superintendent.

The cost of the superintendent search is based on school enrollment (1,475 students) and reimbursement of search committee expenses (travel expenses, copies postage, advertising). Expenses can be capped, Herring said, if that is the wish of the board; $1,000 is a normal limit, she said.

The board will also reimburse candidates' for their travel and motel expenses, Herring said.

At a noon meeting Monday, Oct. 13, the board and Herring will determine a time line for the search process, and then at the board meeting at 6 p.m., the board will act on hiring the NASB search service to conduct the superintendent search for McCook.

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  • We should NOT wait until all the good ones are gone. Start your search now. We need a good, inspirational leader.

    -- Posted by Cuddles on Wed, Oct 1, 2008, at 2:53 PM
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