'So you want to be president ...'
So how about a reality show to select the next President?
Contenders would be selected out after nationwide tryouts, then be given tasks to complete, ala "The Apprentice" or "Survivor."
Contestants would face dilemmas like "How much do I compromise my position on this issue to gain an endorsement from this influencial group or individual?" Or, what position can I adopt to attract the X amount of dollars I need to win this early primary?"
Producers would throw in kinks like an old sex scandal or an advisor linked to corporate kickbacks.
Current reality shows prove that phone or text feedback might easily surpass voter turnout.
Surely somewhere, somebody has a "So you want to be President" show in development ...
Television and feedback vehicles like the Internet and text messaging are powerful tools; why not harness them to improve democracy?
The outcome couldn't be much worse than the ones we get with the methods we're using now.