J Street delay: Blessing in disguise?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The delay in the J Street renovation project may be blessing in disguise, a McCook city official told the council Monday night.

Public Works Director Kyle Potthoff updated the council about the J Street improvements. that were initially projected to begin late August. The work included resurfacing and curb work on J Street from West 10th to Norris Avenue, along with installing left-hand turning lanes on West Fifth. The street is especially busy during the school season, with many parents and students using West J for access to the junior and senior highs and West Fifth for McCook Elementary.

Potthoff said the approval process was slowed down due to concerns from the federal highway administration and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, on how the project would impact eagles.

All state projects must now be reviewed by the federal highway administration, said City Engineer Greg Wolford, with McCook's project one of first to go through the procedure.

The concerns were resolved, he said, but the city is still waiting for approval from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. After that, the project must be approved by the Nebraska Department of Roads., which takes 30-60 days.

Potthoff estimated that after approval from the City Council, the project could be bid out by this winter with construction possibly starting in spring, after school recesses for the summer.

Officials are hopeful the majority of the project can be done when school is out, he said, which would alleviate parents' concerns about the construction being done during the school season.

The delay of the project until next year could also help out with construction prices, Wolford said.

Oil prices are tied into construction and those prices could decrease this winter compared to the high prices in July.

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  • Impact eagles? The only eagles seen in this area are on the East side of town -- Fraternal Order of Eagles. What the heck is this all about? If the eagles are invading West J Street, why aren't they impacting the Norris Avenue project? Sounds like someone didn't want this to happen......

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Tue, Aug 5, 2008, at 1:17 PM
  • You have got to be kidding... EAGLES??? This is insane. I must be blind, because I haven't seen any eagles sitting in the middle of J Street chilling out, waiting to get hit by a car.

    -- Posted by BKE504 on Tue, Aug 5, 2008, at 2:25 PM
  • i have a feeling that the j-street improvement may never get done, if they have to make up stories about how doing construction in the middle of mccook affect...eagles...lol bunch of bull hoowie!

    -- Posted by billybobi on Wed, Aug 6, 2008, at 9:31 AM
  • This sounds a little fishy. Or should I say... "Birdie"?

    -- Posted by SWHUSKER on Sat, Aug 9, 2008, at 3:43 AM
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