Seminar set on ancient oaks

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A symposium starting at 8 a.m., Sept. 8-9, 2008, at McCook Community College will focus on a relict stand of bur oaks near McCook, said Bruce Hoffman, co-owner of Common Scents Greenhouse and Nursery.

Two days of activities will include a tree anatomy lab led by consulting arborist, Jack Phillips, and urban and community forester for the Nebraska Forest Service, Eric Berg, a tour of the Bur Oak Canyon trees and a workshop summary and barbecue hosted by Common Scents, Hoffman said. Speakers will discuss the following topics:

Guy Sternberg, a founding member of the International Oak Society, will talk about the diversity of oaks.

Tim Buchanan, City Forester, Fort Collins, Colo., will provide some theories on the migration and hybridization of oaks in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain regions.

Justin Evertson, assistant director for community programs, Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, will help participants choose, preserve and grow oaks on the High Plains.

Jim Goeke, University of Nebraska--Lincoln hydrogeologist, will reveal something of the region's geologic past.

Nancy Carlson will discuss Native Americans' use of the canyon area. She said that registered participants are welcome to bring artifacts found in Southwest Nebraska. She would be happy to analyze them and explain their uses.

During the canyon tour, concurrent sessions will include a dendrochronology report from one of the canyon oaks that blew down, geology and hydrology site overview and the archeology and Native American use of the site.

Details on sessions, registration and cost information are available online at

Participants can preregister for whatever sessions they prefer at lower cost on or before Aug. 15.

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