Nebraska Wine Tour rewards visitors for touring state wineries
The Nebraska Wine and Grape Growers Association is pleased to announce the 2008 Nebraska Wine Tour as a way to encourage visitors to experience one of the state's most unique industries.
"The tour rewards people for visiting as many of the 23 participating wineries and tasting rooms as possible by December 31, 2008," said Lory Cappel, Project Coordinator for the 2008 Nebraska Wine Tour.
"It's a great way to learn about winemaking, and discover the outstanding variety of wines produced right here in Nebraska."
Visitors are given wine tour "passports," and earn stamps each time they complete a tour or tasting at any of 23 participating vineyards and wineries spread throughout the state. Visitors collecting a minimum of 15 different winery stamps in their passports will receive a $50 gift certificate redeemable at any participating Nebraska winery. Visitors collecting all 23 stamps will receive a $75 winery gift certificate.
All participants are eligible for prize drawings that include a $50 Nebraska gift basket, a case of Nebraska wines, and a bed and breakfast getaway for two. Stamps are available through December 31, 2008, and passports must be returned to the Nebraska Wine and Grape Growers Association by January 30, 2009 for gift certificate redemption.
Participating vineyards are spread throughout the state, giving visitors an opportunity to "taste" areas they may have never visited before. "Nebraska's diverse geologic and climactic characteristics produce handcrafted wines with flavors that are site specific," said Cappel.
"Wine produced in Springfield will have a different flavor from one produced in North Platte, so you truly can experience the unique flavor of Nebraska."
The Nebraska Wine and Grape Growers Association protects and promotes the winemaking industry through involvement in education, government, and tourism-related activities.
Complete information about the 2008 Nebraska Wine Tour, including passports and a list of participating locations can be found at Passports are also available at any participating winery, or the Nebraska and area Convention and Visitors Bureaus. There is no charge to participate in the tour, and purchase is not required to be eligible for prizes.
The tour is produced in part by a grant from the Nebraska Division of Travel and Tourism.