Gillen pitches Junior B's past Benkelman

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Grant Strunk/McCook Daily Gazette Benkelman base runner Johnny Castillo slides past a tag by McCook junior third baseman Cameron Burkey in Monday night action at the Jaycee Sports Complex. McCook won the game 7-6.

Zayne Gillen pitched a complete game Monday night to spark the McCook Junior B's American Legion baseball team to a 7-6 victory over Benkelman at the Jaycees Sports Complex in McCook.

Gillen improved his record to 4-0. He allowed six hits, six runs (three earned), walked three and struck out seven.

Benkelman led 5-1 after two innings, but Benkelman tied the score with four runs in the top of the fourth. McCook scored one in the bottom of the fourth to lead 6-5.

After Benkelman tied the score in the top of the sixth, McCook's Cash Bortner drove in Chris Hoffman in the bottom of sixth inning to give McCook a 7-6 lead.

McCook won despite collecting just three hits. Keegan Williams had two singles. Josh Escher singled.

The McCook Junior B's (8-7) travel to Wauneta tonight for two games. The doubleheader starts at 6:30 p.m. central time.

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  • I was there at the game and this is not the whole story. I do not know the man who was the umpire but he did not possess the sportmanship both teams displayed. Check it out. McCook's coach even apologized.

    -- Posted by janban3534 on Thu, Jun 19, 2008, at 12:00 PM
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