Stamm, Gray, Mullens big winners at Pro-Am

Monday, June 9, 2008
Courtesy From left, the team of Dirk Gray, Bernie Mullen, Nona Mullen, pro Justin Herron and Rob Stamm won the amateur title at the 20th annual John Mullen Pro-Am at Heritage Hills this weekend.

South Dakota native Travis Stockholm, in his first appearance at Heritage Hills Golf Course, shot rounds of 69 and 70 to win the professional division of the John Mullen Memorial Pro-Am Golf Tournament.

Runner-up honors were shared by Derek Eley and Shane Zywiec, both finishing with scores of 140.

Zywiec won the event back in 2000.

Courtesy From left, are Karmen Coleman, Justin Coleman, Joanie Coleman, Clint Coleman and Cole Nondorf, the winner of the Ron Coleman Memorial Horse Race.

Defending champion Justin Herron, 2006 champion Chris Wiemers and Ted DiGiacomo were three strokes back at 143.

The team of Rob Stamm, Dirk Gray, Nona Mullen, Bernie Mullen and professional Justin Herron were the Mullen Pro-Am team champions with a score of 382.

Ken Wellmam, Bob Wellman, Mary Wellman, Chuck Hoxsey and pro Ted DiGiacomo were second at 387.

Courtesy Travis Stockholm, a pro from South Dakota, won the pro title.

On Friday, Hoxie, Kan., native Cole Nondorf added his name to the list of winners of the annual Horse Race, this year sponsored by Friends of Ron Coleman.

Nondorf defeated Travis Williams of Erie, Colo.

All proceeds from the John Mullen Pro-Am benefit the Community Hospital Health Foundation.

Pro Results

Day 1 Day 2 Total Place

Travis Stockholm 69 70 139 1st

Shane Zywiec 68 72 140 2nd

Derek Eley 68 72 140 2nd

Steve Gotsche 72 69 141 4th

Justin Herron 69 73 142 5th

Ted DiGiacomo 71 71 142 5th

Jeff Klein 69 74 143 7th

Chris Wiemers 70 73 143 7th

Jason Peterson 72 74 146 9th

Doug Mitchell 70 77 147 10th

Joel Brueggemann 70 77 147 10th

Anthony Aguilar 74 74 148

Mike Stolarskyj 75 74 149

Justin Coleman 71 80 151

Travis Williams 81 72 153

Cole Nondorf 75 79 154

Tim Kruse 79 77 156

JB Harris 79 77 156

Blake Burleson 77 81 158

Ron Cash 80 79 159

Denis Vontz 78 82 160

Sean Riley 78 82 160

David Remont 80 80 160

Kelley Maiden 82 78 160

Lee Maiden 79 82 161

Adam Bradfield 80 84 164

Ryan Vlasin 81 84 165

Greg Wiemers 84 84 168

Amateur Team Results

Stamm, Gray, Mullen, Mullen 185 197 382 1st

Wellman, Wellman, Wellman, Hoxsey 198 189 387 2nd

Olson, Pearson, Allen, Kampen 192 196 388 3rd

Johnson, Green, Hoffman, Wilson 191 198 389 4th

Wiemers, Wiemers, Wiemers, Rippen 197 194 391

Bernt, Felker, Loecker, Novak 199 192 391

Kilpatrick, Doyle, Bennett, Dickie 196 197 393

Clapp, Clapp, Wacker, Loop 198 195 393

Sheets, Thompson, Mitchell, Kahnk 194 200 394

Miller, Miller, Leopold, Shaddock 195 199 394

Olson, Ulrich, Brockway, Meyer 198 196 394

Shiers, Egle, Michaelis, Michaelis 194 201 395

Miller, Sitzman, Stritt, Hoffman 194 201 395

Farr, Wallen, Rogers, Townsley 194 201 395

Nix, Smith, Gull, Frank 193 206 399

Strombeck, Hoyt, Gaulke, Stramel 199 202 401

Larson, Lemon, Fritsch, Preece 203 200 403

Grigg, Poppe, Stottler, Neely 200 205 405

Sena, Wilkinson, Loche, Fletcher 202 203 405

Hayes, Miller, Corey, Beavers 202 204 406

Haines, Arp, Palm, McPherson 209 199 408

Nothnagel, Nothnagel, Nothnagel, Backer 203 207 410

Hull, Hull, Anderson, Schweitzer 204 209 413

Coleman, Coleman, Broderson, Gumb 204 209 413

Moore, Crick, Peterson, Loop 202 213 415

Stritt, Chiclacos, Hutto, Stewart 204 212 416

Friehe, Loop, Fattig, Walter 210 216 426

Bradbury, Moore, Harr, Eley 218 217 435

Kaminski, Kaminski, Leahy, Kasl 213 230 443

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  • ??????? who wrote this story??? i don't believe the wellman's, or chuck hoxie were here this year! could this be last years results??? i know the gazette didn't send anyone to cover the pro am on sunday, (nice job, gazette!!!) so maybe they got the wrong info sent to them! try again, and see if you get the right results!!!

    -- Posted by bigred1 on Wed, Jun 10, 2009, at 5:20 PM
    Response by McCook:
    You are reading the 2008 results, which are still posted online.

    This year's results are at:

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