Commissioner meeting includes officers, executive session on purchase of property
Housekeeping business in connection with the start of a new year and a number of other items are on the agenda for Monday's meeting of the Red Willow County board of commissioners.
Like the McCook City Council that night, the county board lists a closed session to discuss a possible real estate purchase on the agenda.
The commissioners meet at 9 a.m. Monday in the commissioner's room in the courthouse.
Meeting as a board of equalization, the board will consider motor vehicle tax exemption applications and tax roll corrections.
Reconvening as commissioners, the board will elect officers for 2008, consider minute a resolution to designate banks as depositories for the calendar year 2008.
Other items include consideration of the McCook Economic Development Corp.'s request for funds, discuss bridge inspections and photographing issues, hear a status report on a Homeland Security Grant and discuss removal of a 5,000 square foot corrugated sheet metal storage building at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Items on the consent agenda include an agreement for Phelps County to hold female inmates for Red Willow County at a rate of $45 a day, continuation of a bond for Frankie Lou Nicholson as clerk-treasurer of the Village of Lebanon and a letter of support for Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska Inc. to administer the juvenile pre-trial services for Southwest Nebraska.
The commissioners also will review a letter from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality issuing a construction and operating permit to Daffer Feed Yard, and another to Red Willow Dairy LLC.
Reports include changes in the pledged securities for the county treasurer and an update on Community Development Block Grant accounts.