Grateful for support
Dear Editor,
On behalf of the McCook Fire Department, I would like to thank the businesses, organizations, and individuals who made a donation toward our World Championship Firefighter Combat Challenge trip to Las Vegas. The McCook firefighters are scheduled to run the preliminary on Nov. 6, 2007 with the finals being on Nov. 7 â€" 8, 2007. We look forward to representing McCook, while competing with firefighters from all over the world.
Thank you to the Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to participate in the box lunches in Norris Park for the Heritage Day's Celebration. We appreciated everyone who made a bid and purchased a lunch.
We would also like to thank Sehnert's Bakery & Biéroc Café for donating the bread for our spaghetti feed. It was a successful fundraiser and we thank everyone who attended that evening.
Others that have made this trip possible are Carpenter-Breland Funeral Home, Community Hospital Employees, Golight Inc, Great Plains Communi-cations, Heartland Cattle Company, Herrmann Fun-eral Home, McCook Fraternal Order Police Lodge 57, The Body Connection, and many individuals from McCook and the surrounding towns. Thank you to all for your generous donation. We couldn't have reached our goal of $4,000 for this trip without the support of the community.
Thank you and we really appreciate your support.
Marc A. Harpham
Fire Chief/Paramedic
McCook City and Volunteer Fire Department