Governor's ball planned

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The McCook Quasquicentennial Committee, in partnership with the George W. Norris Foundation, is pleased to announce plans for a prestigious Governor's Ball scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 8, in McCook.

The formal event is being planned as the grand finale of the activities that have taken place throughout 2007 wherein the community has celebrated its 125th Anniversary.

The Governor's Ball will specifically celebrate the rich political history of the City of McCook over the past 125 years. Governor Heineman's office recently confirmed his and First Lady, Sally Ganem's attendance at the gala event.

Other dignitaries across the State of Nebraska, as well as those from surrounding states, will be formally invited to the event which will be held at the Republican River Valley Event Center in McCook.

The Quasquicentennial Committee invites residents of Southwest Nebraska to reserve the date and begin making plans to attend this historical event. Information, tickets and reservations for corporate tables can be obtained at the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce office, 107 Norris Avenue, or call 308-345-3200.

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