Letter to the Editor

Actor enjoyed McCook visit

Friday, August 17, 2007

EDITOR'S NOTE -- Shirley Wheelbarger, manager of Red Willow Aviation in McCook recently received the following letter:

Dear Miss Wheelbarger,

As you recall, Morgan Freeman, several other relatives and friends of mine and I stopped at the airport there in McCook on July 12, 2007, to refuel on our way to visit a college friend of mine who lives in Montana. Even though most likely we could have made it back home to Clarksdale, Miss., without refueling, we were so impressed with your services on our way out to Montana that we decided to stop and refuel at your facility again on July 15, 2007.

I have been a pilot for more than 32 years and Morgan has been flying as a pilot for about five years. Neither of us has experienced the level of service and friendliness we received at your airport. You are indeed an asset to your community.

We plan to stop on any and all future trips to the Northwest. Thank you again for your excellent services.


Bill Luckett,

Luckett Tyner Law Firm P.A.

Clarksdale, Miss.

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