New world is waiting to be won
"It is time for a new generation of leadership, to cope with new problems and new opportunities. For there is a new world to be won."
Time passes so quickly. Take, for example, the words above, which were spoken more than 47 years ago by John F. Kennedy, the senator from Massachusetts who became president of the United States. As aged as the remarks are, it is remarkable how well they apply today. In 2007 as in 1960, we need new leaders. Now as then, a new world is emerging.
That's why actions being taken in McCook are encouraging and potentially uplifting for the town and the surrounding region.
After a three-year absence, the program known as Leadership McCook is returning. But it won't be the same as in the old days. There are exciting changes taking place.
Through the initiative of Bill Burton, president of Wells Fargo, and other community leaders, McCook's leadership program has been revamped to inspire increased interest and vigor.
The changes include expanding the class horizons to include a wide range of ages and interests, encompassing both females and males ranging from high school age to senior citizen status.
And then, to further enliven the course, the Leadership Committee has come up with several new ideas, including (1) Doing a project, or projects; (2) Offering college credit to those who want it; and (3) Engaging previous Leadership McCook graduates to provide "alumni" support.
So, be watching, be watching closely as the new Leadership McCook program unfolds.
Committee members will be meeting next Wednesday, Aug. 15, to select this year's class. "It's going to be a very difficult task," said Pam Harsh, executive director of the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce. "We have only 15 to 17 spots to fill and there have been more than 40 nominations. But we want everyone to know that there are going to be plenty of opportunities in the future. This program is going to be ongoing."
Once the 2007-08 class is selected, plans will be finalized for the year's program of work. The kickoff will be Sept. 19-20, when the 2007 Leadership McCook participants travel to Lincoln to get acquainted with state leaders and visit assisting agencies, such as the Nebraska Department of Economic Development.
The previous Leadership McCook program existed for 11 years, starting in 1993 and continuing through 2003.
During the three-year break, new ideas emerged. But it took initiative to turn those ideas into action, and that's the spark the committee provided. If you get a chance, say thanks to Bill Burton, Pam Harsh, Pastor Clark Bates, Dr. Rob Stamm, Jason Schmick, Denise Ringenberg, Angela Wagner and Janet Weber. They're the ones who brought about the revival of a very needed program: Leadership McCook.