City sets sights on snow removal

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

After catching guff because of snow removal problems, the McCook public works department has been reviewing procedures, trying to figure out ways to improve the city's snow removal performance.

One idea -- which came from the staff -- is to put the city's water truck to use, equipping it with substances to treat the streets before the snow or ice starts falling. "This is an idea which the department of roads uses effectively," Public Works Director Kyle Potthoff said. "We're working on the idea now to see if it's something the water truck can handle."

Fund change pays off

In order to cover the largest expenses for the water, sewer and street projects, the city cashed all of its certificates of deposit in September of 2006. Not only did the transfer of the CDs accomplish the payment purpose, but it had a nice bonus. The rate for the Public Funds Account is equal to the Fed Funds Rate. That rate averaged around 4 percent in Fiscal year 2005-06. As it turned out, that's more than the city would have received if the money had remained in long-term CDs.

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