Governor, NRD boards here Dec. 15

Friday, December 8, 2006

On Friday, Dec. 15, Gov. Dave Heineman, the Department of Natural Resources, all of the Republican River Basin Natural Resources District board members and managers, are expected to be in attendance at a water meeting in McCook.  

The governor has the floor beginning at 10 a.m. until about 2 p.m., central time, in a public meeting at the Republican River Valley Event Center, (old Elk's Club) at 905 7th St. E, McCook.

There will be enough people in attendance that the audience will be allowed very limited, if any participation. 

The purpose of the meeting is for the elected officials to discuss possible solutions to the Republican River Basin water issue.

It is hoped that the governor will reveal his suggestions on how to solve the problem. At minimum, he is expected to listen to ideas from the NRDs.

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