Archway begins construction on new learning center

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

KEARNEY -- The Great Platte River Road Archway Monument has announced that construction of the Frank and Maxine Morrison Learning Center has begun. The addition of the learning center is part of the continuing legacy to the life and vision of the late Gov. Frank Morrison.

The new Archway Learning Center is designed to accommodate a variety of functions including education programs, corporate retreats and social activities. The learning center features a computer driven "Smart Board," VCR, digital projector and surround sound system. Completion is scheduled for mid-October.

"Frank and Maxine Morrison were very passionate about education and truly enjoyed visiting with people," said Phil Kozera, executive director of the Archway Monument. "The learning center will enhance our educational experience and allow us to better accommodate facility requests by corporations and service organizations."

The classroom will be a multi-functional room for the Archway. To enhance each guest's experience, visitors will be able to view movies in the classroom in addition to visiting the show, TrailBlaze maze and historic 1914 bridge. Along with students, families can use the room for reunions and birthday parties. Corporate businesses can use it for meetings, training sessions or functions.

More information about the classroom, or hosting a function at the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument is available by calling (308) 237-1800 or at

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