Fond memories
Dear Editor,
I just want to take a moment and say thank you to a few individuals (you know who you are) here in McCook and the surrounding area who made living and working here a wonderful experience.
My husband moved our family here from the Kansas City area nine years ago. I really wasn't sure what I was getting myself into.
However, over time and the kindness of several individuals, I now will call McCook home just like my husband has for more than 30 years.
Having a wonderful career and people I worked with definitely assisted my love of McCook. My daughter will also have fond memories of attending elementary school here in McCook. She was fortunate to even have some of the same teachers that her father had. No one can replace memories like that.
Roger, Shelby and myself are moving to Laramie, Wyo., to start a new chapter in our lives, however we do hope to move back someday. Thank you especially to my in-laws, Bob and Virginia Henthorn. I can't thank them enough for taking me into their family almost 13 years ago.
We will sincerely miss you all and will be back to visit often. If you're ever through Laramie, stop by and say hi.
Linda Henthorn,
P.S. happy birthday to Roger on July 7.