
Helmet law dominates time

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The discussion of motorcycle helmets prevailed as scheduled throughout the week. Legislative Bill 70, "the helmet bill," received its beginning comments first thing Tuesday morning.

This controversial piece of legislation has grabbed the attention of many whether an avid rider or an avoider. Either way, many of us know someone who loves to ride their motorcycle.  

The issue of helmets has additionally brought to the table a number of sub-issues, such as safety, freedom, negative financial responsibility, and positive economic impact.

Did I mention freedom? It is and has been my position that this decision should be left up to a responsible and knowledgeable rider, not the government.

Attempts at amending the bill thus far have been unsuccessful with one exception. However, numerous amendments are currently pending pursuant to this legislation. The bill remains on General File and will likely be up for debate once again next week.

Black-tailed prairie dogs were back in the spotlight again this week. Wednesday's deliberations concluded the General File debate on Legislative Bill 673 and 673A, as both bills were given first-round approval.  After much discussion and several amendments, a motion to invoke cloture on LB 673 was successful by receiving the necessary 33 votes. The bill advanced to Select File with 34 affirmative votes. The appropriations bill endured opposition but did not warrant excessive discussion.

Yet another agenda item that made its way to the floor was Legislative Resolution 8CA. The purpose of this Constitutional Amendment is to preserve the right of individuals to fish, trap, and hunt according to the laws of the State of Nebraska. If passed, it would be placed on the November ballot in 2006. 

The need for this legislation has become increasingly apparent this past week, as debate pertaining to the black-tailed prairie dog continued to unfold. The realization that senators, who are not willing to allow the control of black-tailed prairie dogs, are certainly not advocates of hunting, fishing, and/or trapping either. LR 8CA will be the first agenda item up for debate on Monday.

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