
What's all the fuss about?

Thursday, December 16, 2004

After getting a glimpse of the mint's drawings for Nebraska's statehood quarter, we are wondering what all the fuss is about. The mint's designs are not picture perfect, but they come close to capturing the images submitted by the state for consideration.

Take a look at the mint's drawings, which appear on page one of today's Gazette. What's your favorite? With so many things to consider in the state's 137-year history, perhaps the most appropriate image is that of the "Sower" which stands atop Nebraska's capitol building.

That symbol is a portrayal of one of the important acts of human existence: the planting of seeds to begin the growth process. In the quickness of a coin exchange, that's not a bad message to see on the back of a quarter.

Ag Broadcasting Pioneer

When Max Brown passed away Wednesday at age 93, this state lost a pioneer leader in agricultural broadcasting. He was the driving force behind KRVN, the Lexington-based radio station which serves farmers and ranchers throughout the Midlands.

Brown had an ambitious and needed plan ... to get farmers and ranchers to invest in a Nebraska Rural Radio Network. It was tough at first, but now KRVN has about 4,000 farmer owners and enjoys widespread popularity in the rural areas of Nebraska and surrounding states.

Max Brown was honored in his lifetime as a Pioneer Broadcaster. The award was well deserved. He was a genuine difference-maker in ag broadcasting.

Thanks, Charlene!

This week, the McCook Daily Gazette bids farewell to Charlene Spires, the Gazette's mailroom supervisor for the past 14 years. We will miss Charlene greatly as she supervised the inserting, addressing and mailing of the newspaper.

We call her "Sarge." That's an affectionate term, showing our respect for her determination to see that each day's newspaper was ready for delivery on time.

Now that she's retiring, Charlene and her husband, Dennis, will have a lot more time for travel. They're heading for Arizona soon, and will be preparing for other adventures on their return.

Best wishes, Sarge. You did a great job. We will miss you.

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