Letter to the Editor

Vote for a change

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

Dear Editor,

I think we need a change this November on the University of Nebraska's Board of Regents from the incumbent for District 7(roughly the western third of the state) to the incumbent's opponent, Dave Hergert.

My basis for this belief stems from the incumbent's support for research that kills human embryos commonly known as Embryonic Stem Cell Research. This is where stem cells are removed from a human embryo for research.

The human embryo dies as a result of the removal of stem cells. Because of the previous mentioned reason I have a problem with this type of stem cell research. However, the current Regent chairman (Mr. Blank) disagreed with the notion that the research would cause problems. "I don't think this particular application is going to raise much dander with anyone," he said (Omaha World Herald).

Regent Blank also voted for the Recommendations on Embryo Research proposed by the University's Bioethics Advisory Committee. The Recommendations include giving the University permission to conduct embryo-destructive research.

It's important to remember: We can support Adult Stem Cell Research without anyone dying. We cannot support Embryonic Stem Cell Research without someone dying. If you want our university to help successfully with illness now and use morally acceptable Adult Stem Cell Research, vote for Dave Hergert for University of Nebraska Regent this fall.

Bill Sullivan


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