Detailed study
Dear Editor,
In the early 1990's I was employed at the McCook Schools as secretary to the athletic director, Larry Mollring.
At that time there was some discussion about the college moving the football field to the West 10th track location. He made a rather detailed study of the cost to provide similar facilities at the track location. This would be the "price" for the college to acquire Weiland Field. I can't remember the figure, but perhaps this would be worth a phone call to Larry to find out. I know the idea was dropped when the cost was known.
Perhaps an update of this study would put to rest the idea of the college taking over Weiland Field at this time. I am sure that inflation has made that figure considerably higher. On the other hand, maybe they would be willing to provide a similar facility for the public schools. I don't think that steel bleachers would do the job.
There are two cement stadiums plus some maintenance shops at Weiland Field that would have to be replaced.
Nora Lewis
P.S. I forgot to mention the landscaping that would be needed at the West 10th location. That is one of the special affects at Weiland Field.