Keep 'vision'
Dear Editor,
Copies of a letter written by Brad Randel were sent to the supporters of the common Sense Committee this week. Several of those letters "mysteriously" ended up in the hands of the supporters of the new Southwest School District. In his letter to his "constituents," he first states that he feels they have a very good opportunity to STOP the building of the new school in Bartley, if they can get their people on the school board that share their opinion. Then he continues to tell them exactly who to vote for and then continues with, if they can get these three people onto the board, they could get this mess cleaned up. He goes on to tell them to be optimistic in their battle to stop the building and that their legal counsel guesses it will take about eight to 12 months to be settled in the Supreme Court system.
This is then translated into they are out of money to pay their costs and need more money and where to send it. My guess is that some "constituents" are tired of the nonsense that continues after a vote by the people in March 2002.
In (the Indianola News) you could find an ad asking voters to vote for three people from their committee. What you really need to do is compare the words he states in his letter (they are around, ask for one) with the ones they have in their ad and decide WHICH Brad Randel and company you can believe.
I'm not into criticizing anyone's opinions in the paper; we are all entitled to our own. I trust that you can make your own judgment and vote for those who believe in the positive union of this new Southwest School District.
Other school districts are being faced with the same economic issues we are and we all have to find the better solution and bite the bullet. We are not only paying for the taxes already assessed, but we are incurring the losses they are costing us in having to wait for a Supreme Court decision. We can keep up the Vision for Tomorrow. Take it to the polls.
Kem McConville,