Wounds tell tale of owl attack

Friday, April 9, 2004
Snoopy snuggles close to his owner, Mary Glaves. (Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Daily Gazette)

Snoopy and his buddy, Mickey, get escorts into the backyard now, since an owl swooped down and carried Snoopy off on April Fool's Day.

Snoopy's owner, Mary Glaves of McCook, wants to warn pet owners about hungry owls who seem to have moved into town in search of easy meals. Mary said she had just put her dogs into the back yard, right at dusk, when she watched an owl swoop out her tree and grab the little Snoopy dog.

"Snoopy put up a fight," Mary said, and the owl dropped him. Snoopy has spent many days at the veterinarian's, and although the 30-35 talon holes and a beak bite are draining, they're healing now and beginning to itch.

"It's a shame a little dog's gotta go through this," Mary said, as Snoopy cuddled close by her side. Mary and her daughter now go outside with the dogs in the evening, and turn on bright lights in the yard. Mary wonders if it would ward off owls -- who roost in McCook's west water tower, across the street from Mary's house -- if she were to hang inflatable owls in her trees. "We have to warn people," Mary said. "These owls are hungry, and Snoopy's brown coloring makes him look like a rabbit."

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