Does it matter?
Dear Editor,
I read with interest the article, "Does it matter whether 'under God' remains in the Pledge of Allegiance?" Contrary to Balmer and others, God is not generic,1 but a real part of most people's lives. They may not attend church, but they do not give up God. There is no "trivialization of faith" by being "under God." In fact, Balmer works in an interfaith college.
Was glad to see that there are more in favor than against. This country was founded on the free- faith standard for all kinds of believers, and they built with ideas from within their inspiration. I feel that our founding fathers were so guided by God that we now have the nation we have, "the land of the free and home of the brave."
Even if God is a symbol, so is the Flag. To be truthful, we should be praying to the United States in 2America rather than a symbol of it. Our flag is a symbol to war by some, but a symbol of freedom to still others.
God, by whatever name, is still God, and still potent to those who take time to know an Unseen Being. The ideal God gave us is to have free will to choose.
When I think of the word God, I am reminded that there are many names: the Supreme Being, The Great Spirit, The Great Architect, The All Light (knowledge), and even the Creator, (over) God. To me, God is as a presiding divine Officer for Earth, and His council are the guardians of land, especially nations.
The Earth has many nations of peoples, some still in old cultures and old civilizations. It must be a great trial on these guardians to try to lead their peoples upward. One modern item many desire are more potent weapons with which to fight their enemies (or their own people). Others wish to immigrate to this land where more freedom lives than in their own country.
Contrary to someone in the article, I do not think God is an acknowledgment of religion, and if so, which religion would be chosen? (Freedom to choose leaves us to do that.)
I also believe God is a symbol of the spirit of life within us, of the dreams that help us know answers to ours and civil problems. We do know that without the Spirit, we are dead.
So God, by whatever name, is still God, and still potent to those who take time to know this Unseen Being. The ideal God gave us is to have free will to choose.
Surprisingly, the article did not mention our money, some of which says: "In God We Trust." Is money too important to change?
1. Canada and Mexico are in America, as are the southern nations, but they are not part of the United States.
2. Even generic drugs are effective. They just do not cost so much.
E.J. Lee