McCook Red Crush volleyball teams announced
Results have been announced from the McCook Red Crush volleyball tryouts. The teams are as follows:
Erica Clapp, McCook; Nichole Dickey, Chase County; Sarah Fritsch, McCook; Lindsey Hazlitt, McCook; Staci Koester, Maywood; Lisa Lorda, Republican Valley; RyAnn Spady, Chase County; Ashley Weaver, Twin Valley
Coaches: Krystal Weber, McCook; Angie Dickey, Chase County
Joanne Bryant, McCook; Kelsey Coolidge, Republican Valley; Madison Felker, McCook; Courtney Guthrie, McCook; Allison Hunt, Southern Valley; Morgan Potthoff, Republican Valley; Hannah Vontz, McCook; Madison Wagern, Culbertson; Sydney Williams, Dundy County
Coach: Jenni McConville, Republican Valley
Abbey Breinig, Arapahoe; Alyssa Cook, Culbertson; Lindsey McNutt, McCook; Stephanie Padilla, Wauneta-Palisade; Janae Perkins, Southern Valley; Allyson Reichert, St. Francis; Trisha Siebels, Southern Valley; Alisha Weaver, Twin Valley
Coach: Barry Schaeffer, Culbertson
Kiane Alberts, Wauneta-Palisade; Samantah Brown, McCook; Jessica Fritsch, McCook; Betsy Kohmetscher, McCook; Lichelle Large, Hayes Center; Chelsea Quigley, Republican Valley; Allison Smith, Culbertson; Sarah Urbom, Arapahoe
Coach: Marian Richards, Hayes Center
Mary Gohl, Hayes Center; Abbee Haney, McCook; Kayla Laird, Hayes Center; Brittany McConville, Republican Valley; Chelsea Morgan, Republican Valley; Danae Owens, McCook; Becky Way, Chase County; Crystal Zwickl, Maywood
Coach: Staci Vaughn, Maywood
Terra Bishop, Hayes Center; Sara Cappel, McCook; Jessica Carfield, McCook; Amy Cox, Hayes Center; Colby Eisenhart, Culbertson; Jaci Liewer, Chase County; Courtney Moore, McCook; Brooke Oson, Dundy Couny
Coach: Erin Clason, Southern Valley